Once you have access to the Rive ref object, there are a number of methods available to invoke for controlling animations and state machines.


A reference method that will play a singular animation or state machine. For an animation currently playing it is a no-op.

Type: (animationName?: string, loop?: LoopMode, direction?: Direction, isStateMachine?: boolean) => void

  • animationName - Specifies which singular animation should be played. We highly recommend passing a value here
    • Default: ""
  • loop - Specifies which LoopMode should be used for playing the animations.
    • Default: LoopMode.Auto
  • direction - Specifies which Direction should be used for playing the animations.
    • Default: Direction.Auto
  • isStateMachine - Specifies whether the passed in animationName is a state machine or just a linear animation.
    • Default: false


import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'truck_v7'

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handlePlay = () => { riveRef.current?.play() };

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} autoplay={false} />
      <Button onPress={handlePlay} title="Play">


A reference method that will pause any playing animation/state machine. For the animations currently stopped/paused it is no-op.

Type: () => void


import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'truck_v7'

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handlePause = () => { riveRef.current?.pause() };

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} />
      <Button onPress={handlePause} title="Pause">


A reference method that will stop an animation/state machine. For the animations currently stopped/paused it is no-op.

Type: () => void


import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'truck_v7'

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handleStop = () => { riveRef.current?.stop() };

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} />
      <Button onPress={handleStop} title="Stop">


A reference method that will reset the whole artboard. It will play animationName or the first animation (if animationName hasn’t been passed) immediately if autoplay hasn’t been set to false explicitly.

Type: () => void

import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'truck_v7'

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handleReset = () => { riveRef.current?.reset() };

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} autoplay={true} />
      <Button onPress={handleReset} title="Reset">


A reference method that will fire trigger identified by the inputName on all active matching state machines.

Type: (stateMachineName: string, inputName: string) => void

  • stateMachineName - Specifies state machine name which will be matched against all active state machines.
  • inputName - Specifies the name of the trigger that should be fired.


import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'ui_swipe_left_to_delete'

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handleFireState = () => { riveRef.current?.fireState('Swipe to delete', 'Trigger Delete') };

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} autoplay={true} />
      <Button onPress={handleFireState} title="FireState">


A reference method that will set input state identified by the inputName on all active matching state machines to the given value.

Type: (stateMachineName: string, inputName: string, value: boolean | number) => void

  • stateMachineName - Specifies state machine name which will be matched against all active state machines.
  • inputName - Specifies name of the input which state should be updated.
  • value - Specifies a value that the input state should be set to.


import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'ui_swipe_left_to_delete'
const threshold = 50

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handleFireState = () => {
      'Swipe to delete',
      'Swipe Threshold',

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} autoplay={true} />
      <Button onPress={handleFireState} title="FireState">


A reference method that will set a text run value (via value) on a given text run (via textRunName).

Type: setTextRunValue: (textRunName: string, value: string) => void

  • textRunName - Name of the text run to set a new text value on. Read more on text runs here: Text
  • value - Specifies a new text value that should be set on the text run


import Rive, { RiveRef } from 'rive-react-native';

const resourceName = 'ui_swipe_left_to_delete'
const threshold = 50

function App() {
  const riveRef = React.useRef<RiveRef>(null);

  const handleSetText = () => {
      'New Text',

  return (
      <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName={resourceName} autoplay={true} />
      <Button onPress={handleSetText} title="SetText">