There are two ways to include Rive files in your React Native projects:

  • Option 1: URL where a Rive file is hosted
  • Option 2: Add the asset to the asset bundles of the native iOS and Android projects

When you render the <Rive /> component, you must supply the url or resourceName prop respectively to the options above, or your component will fail to load.

Read more below to see more on each of the options.

Option 1: URL


When using the Rive React Native runtime to load in a RIve file, one option is to reference the URL where the Rive file may be hosted (i.e AWS S3 bucket, Google Storage, etc.). This can be done via the url parameter when instantiating the <Rive /> component.

Option 2: Asset Bundle

  resourceName="weather_app" // weather_app.riv

Another alternative to loading in a Rive file for the <Rive /> component is to reference the name of the resource/asset in the respective ios/ and android/ projects.

Adding to iOS

In the ios/ folder of your React Native project, open the .xcodeproj file in XCode. This will open up the native iOS project.

Create a New Group under the root of this project and name it whatever asset folder name you’d like to give it (i.e., Assets). Drop your .riv file into this group, and when prompted by XCode, add it to the Target of your app. This ensures that the Rive file gets included in the bundle resources.

Adding to Android

In the android/ folder of your React Native project, open the whole folder in Android Studio. This will open up the Android project.

Under the /app/src/main/res/ directory, create a new Android Resource Directory, which is where you’ll store Rive file assets, and when prompted to select a name for the folder and resource type, select raw from the resource type dropdown. Drop your .riv file into this new folder; this ensures that the Rive file gets included in the bundle resources.

Adding weather_app.riv to the Android project

Once the Rive files are added to the asset/resource bundles of the iOS and Android projects in the React Native app, you should be free to start referencing the name of the file (without the .riv extension) when creating the <Rive /> component, using that resourceName prop.