On web, some browsers restrict audio from playing until the web page is interacted with. This applies to any audio, not just Rive audio.
The web page needs to receive some interaction (touch/click) before sound is played. This interaction can be anything on the browser and doesn’t need to be a Rive specific interaction.

Embedded Assets

Embedded assets require no additional work to play audio. However, on some platforms, additional work may be required to set up audio to mix, duck, or otherwise change more global settings for playing audio. See Audio Settings below.

Referenced Assets

Referenced assets require a little bit more work to play audio. Audio will still automatically play, but the audio file(s) must be loaded when a Rive runtime attempts to play audio. For more information, see Loading Assets.

// Load a referenced audio file, with the same name and extension as added in the editor
let viewModel = RiveViewModel(fileName: "my_rive_file") { asset, data, factory -> Bool in
    guard let audioAsset = asset as? RiveAudioAsset else { 
        return false 
    guard let url = Bundle.main.url(
        forResource: audioAsset.uniqueName(),
        withExtension: audioAsset.fileExtension()
    ) else {
        print("Failed to load asset \(asset.uniqueFilename()) from bundle.")
        return false
    guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else {
        print("Failed to load \(url) from bundle.")
        return false
    return true

Audio Settings

On iOS, playing audio will respect your AVAudioSession shared instance settings. For more information, see Apple’s documentation on AVAudioSession. Using this, you can choose to mix audio, duck audio, and more. You can update your shared instance early in your app lifecycle if you would like to ensure all Rive audio plays with the correct settings.

// Example: Ignore the silent switch, and mix with other audio
let category: AVAudioSession.Category = .playback
let options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions = [.mixWithOthers]
AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(category, options: options)

Setting Volume

An artboard is capable of setting its volume. A parent artboard will set the volume of all nested artboards; however, setting a nested artboard’s volume will not update the parent’s volume.

// Set the current artboard's volume to 50%
let viewModel = RiveViewModel(fileName: "my_rive_file")
viewModel.riveModel?.volume = 0.5