Migrating from 8.x.x to 9.x.x

This release updates the underlying Rive Android runtime from v9.x.x to v10.x.x, which includes the following changes:

  • The Rive Renderer is now the default renderer on Android. For iOS, the Rive Renderer was already the default.
  • Removal of the Skia renderer for Android. For iOS Skia was removed in v8.0.0
  • Support for Feathering
  • Smaller APK sizes and improved performance on Android

Breaking Changes

With the removal of the Skia renderer, the Skia option has been removed from the RiveRendererAndroid enum.

This change is only relevant if you are manually specifying the renderer in your code. For more details, refer to Choosing a Renderer.

No other API changes are required.