For the most part, if you’re using v1.x.x of rive-react, you should be able to upgrade to the new dependencies in v3.x.x without many changes.

Note: Migrating from v2.x.x to 3.x.x can be done safely without any changes on your end.

Dependency Change

Previous to v2.x.x, you could use Rive in React via the rive-react package. This package was a wrapper around the @rive-app/webgl dependency. In version 2.x.x+, we enable the React runtime to wrap around both the @rive-app/webgl and @rive-app/canvas dependencies through 2 main new React packages:

  • (Recommended) @rive-app/react-canvas
  • @rive-app/react-webgl

The rive-react package will still be published to regularly along with the above packages, but it has both of the web runtime dependencies set as dependencies and may result in a larger bundle. Because of this, we recommend switching from rive-react to @rive-app/react-canvas or the WebGL variant if you need to use a WebGL backing context.


npm i rive-react


npm i @rive-app/react-canvas

There are no changes regarding the way you import from the React runtime between rive-react and @rive-app/react-canvas

Prop Spreading

The React runtime provides a RiveComponent whether you use the default export or the useRive hook provided. This component should be passed into the JSX to render the canvas out. The DOM encompasses a wrapping div around the canvas that helps to handle the styling and sizing of the canvas. Most props spread on the RiveComponent would be spread onto that wrapping <div> element. Starting in v2.x.x, certain props will be spread onto the wrapping <div> that concern styling (i.e className and style), but any other props will now be spread onto the <canvas> element, so that you can set role, aria-* attributes, etc.


<RiveComponent className="foo" aria-label="Label" /> 

Would render the (simplified) DOM such as:

<div className="foo" aria-label="Label">


<RiveComponent className="foo" aria-label="Label" />

Now yields the following (simplified) DOM:

<div className="foo">
  <canvas aria-label="Label"></canvas>