
This guide documents how to get started using the React Native runtime library. Rive runtime libraries are open-source. The source is available in its GitHub repository. This library contains an API for React Native apps to easily integrate Rive assets.

The minimum iOS target is 14.0

See our documentation to add Rive to an Expo app.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below for a quick start on integrating Rive into your React Native app.


Install the dependency

npm install rive-react-native
# or for Yarn
yarn add rive-react-native

iOS - Pod Install

cd inside the ios folder and run pod install (if deploying to iOS)

If you run into issues here, you may need to bump the ios deployment version target to at least 14.0. You can find this version in the Podfile of the ios/ folder.


Android - Set Kotlin Dependency Resolution

This step may be optional - however, if your Android setup in the React Native project does not have Kotlin v1.8.0+ set up, you may run into duplicate class issues when building the project. To mitigate these issues, as suggested by Kotlin docs, add the following to your dependencies in your application’s build.gradle file to deal with version alignment:

dependencies {
    implementation platform('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom:1.8.0')

Add the Rive component

import Rive from 'rive-react-native';

function App() {
  return <Rive
      artboardName="Avatar 1"
      style={{width: 400, height: 400}}

See subsequent runtime pages to learn how to control animation playback, state machines, and more.


Github: https://github.com/rive-app/rive-react-native Examples: