Rive + Defold

Bring your Defold games to life with Rive

Create rich characters and props with Rive's 2D skeletal deformation.


We'll show you how to use Rive to build graphics for video game user interfaces and how to use our state machines to make them interactive. Then we'll show you how to use Noesis to set up your layouts, bind the Rive graphics to data, and get them running in game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Unity game UI

Learn how to get your Rive graphics running in Unity with Noesis.

Unity game UI

Learn how to get your Rive graphics running in Unity with Noesis.

Unity game UI

Learn how to get your Rive graphics running in Unity with Noesis.

Build a health bar

Design a health bar and make it interact with Rive's state machines.

Build a health bar

Design a health bar and make it interact with Rive's state machines.

Build a health bar

Design a health bar and make it interact with Rive's state machines.

Community examples

Get inspiration from Rive Community. Open these files in the Rive Editor to see how they work, or remix them into your own creation.

Checkpoint UI

Checkpoint UI

Checkpoint UI

Game Menu

Game Menu

Game Menu

Props and sets

Props and sets

Props and sets




Hatch UI

Hatch UI

Hatch UI

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