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Feature Requests
9mo ago

How to upvote features or request a new one

  1. Use the search bar at the top to check if your request already exists.

  2. Upvote any existing requests you want us to prioritize.

  3. Use the 🚧 In progress, πŸš€ Launched, and πŸ—ΊοΈ Planned labels in the Filter menu above to see what we’re working on.

  4. If your request does not exist yet, create a new one. Duplicate requests will be deleted.

0 replies
1d ago

Stroke as Clipping Mask

Please add clipping option if the path only has a stroke, no fill.

I wanted to animate text (outlined in Illustrator) to reveal with a curved stroke line via trim path, and found out that clipping only applies to the 'fill' part of the path.

It's very hard to use curved shape to mask it instead of a stroke for this case.

Hope the team will consider this feature, thank you!

0 replies
2d ago

Jump to selected child object's parent layer or exact sublayer in the project hierarchy.

When we select a layer in the timeline, it automatically becomes selected/activated in the hierarchy of the project manager.

However, when we try to select a shape in the timeline (even if it already has keyframes), nothing happens. To manipulate it in the timeline, we have to navigate through the hierarchy and search for it manually. This process is time-consuming, especially when dealing with hundreds of objects.

It would be great to have the ability to quickly jump to the desired layer or object using a shortcut or to do it automatically, similar to how it currently works with groups or parent layers. This feature would streamline navigation and make it easier to manage complex projects.

Basically "Reveal layer source/composition in project" AE feature :)


0 replies
4d ago

Trim timeline duration to work area

I love the new "Set work area" option when right-clicking keyframes.
I wish we had a follow-up functionality to then trim the timeline's duration to the work area, similar to the Ctrl+Shift+X shorcut in After Effects.

0 replies
5d ago

Unify the Opacity of grouped objects

When you keyframe the opacity of a group of layers in Rive you get unfortunate results. I'd expect the elements to maintain the way they render at 100% opacity, however, you get overlapping shapes that become quite busy:

If I alter the opacity of the group in other software, the result is a lower opacity while maintaining the visual relationship.

0 replies
5d ago

Add Keyframe Shortcut

Please, some kind of keyboard shortcut to add a keyframe to all selected objects / all selected animated properties.

Sometimes you need to have all animation keyframes stop at the same moment to continue animating a new moment, and with dozens and dozens of animated vertices it can take forever to add a keyframe to each one all the way down the timeline hierarchy.

0 replies
6d ago

Please make Clipping process even easier and more intuitive


I know that the clipping feature/process on this app is not super complex, but I do not find it not super intuitive. I feel like it requires too much thinking. I think clipping should be much more simple. It could be as simple as selecting two or more layers in the layers panel on the left, and then the top layer in that selection becomes the clipping object. A special icon could be added to that layer to indicate that it is a clipping object. It could be implemented in the following way:

  • The top layer in a group of selected layers in the layers panel becomes the clipping path after the user selects all of the layers, right clicks and choose "clip".

  • The top layer can either be a vector OR Raster image (with transparency or no transparency)

  • After the layer stack becomes clipped with the top layer doing the clipping, please DO NOT automatically make the clipping layer transparent and disappear (similar to Illustrator which I don't like they implement that feature). Please keep the transparency of the clipped object at 100% unless otherwise reduced. I think this is how it is already setup, but I am just saying this in case a new clipping version is released following my suggestions.

** Even better - The above example is similar to how Figma or Adobe XD used to do clipping. However, an even faster way is... to simply allow the user to select the layers they want to be clipped in the layers panel. Then they literally just drag the layers on top of a SPECIFIC ZONE of another layer above or below on the layers panel... and release. This is incredibly fast....and the best example I have seen of this is Affinity Designer. That app makes clipping the easiest Ive seen.

1 reply
6d ago

Multiple widths across one stroke

Please create the ability for the user to have a stroke (both lines and closed shapes) with multiple widths across one stroke. This could be implemented in the following way:

  • EX1: Two different widths at different nodes - One end of a stroke could have a width of say 20px and the other end could have a 2px width. That would create a tapered effect.

  • EX2: Three or more different widths at three nodes - A user could and have the ability to add additional unlimited width nodes along a path. If the user adds an additional width node, they could for example make node 1@20px, node 2@40px, and node 3@ 10 px. etc etc

Last... once the nodes on a stroke with different widths are added, please allow the user to animate the multi-width stroke by having an animate "offset" feature. This would allow the stroke to move around a shape or through a straight line without trimming the path itself but still maintain the visible portion of the stroke's total length... along with its multi node widths.

**Nice to have but not necessary: Along with the above, there could be a checkbox called "repeat stroke pattern along path". Lets say that a user creates a stroke that has 3 different px widths at 3 different nodes. The user then decides to trim the path slightly on both ends and then they animate the offset feature to make the stroke move through a line path or around a shape. However, because the stroke is trimmed, there will be some empty space beyond the end of the stroked portion. If this checkbox was checked... then whatever portion of the stroke IS showing... would suddenly be repeated along the remaining part of the non-visible stroke. That way as the user animates the offset stroke feature, the repeating stroke pattern is now "pulled through" the empty portions of the path.

0 replies
6d ago

Please create option to add arrowheads at the end of strokes

Hello! Please create the ability to add arrowheads at the ends of strokes. These arrowheads could be added at both ends of the stroke. Additionally, if this is added, then there would also be a need to add the following features to allow the arrowhead to be customized with the following:

  • In the stroke settings pop-up, there could a place to add an arrowhead at either end of the stroke.

  • There could be different styles of arrowheads to choose from. EX: arrows, dots, inverse triangle, hollow dots, squares etc. In this popup menu, as the use hovers or drags their cursor through the different styles, the arrowheads update in real time on the artboard.

  • Once an arrowhead style is selected, then the arrowhead could be scaled in two directions.. one to increase the width of the arrowhead, and the other to increase the length. There could be a chain-link icon between them which allows them to both scale together to preserve aspect ratio, or the link could be deactivated to scale both independently.

  • Last - Allow the stroke itself to be scaled and tapered. This would allow the stroke to have different widths across the same stroke.

  • **Nice to have not necessary: Allow the user to add a custom inserted shape to the end of a stroke instead of the predefined shapes mentioned above. This could be cool for animating an object around the canvas with a trailing line behind it.

Use cases:

  • Animated arrows moving around on the screen which have a trim path attached to them. Different animation abilities could be had here.. which would be in addition to the current option of creating a vector shape arrow and animating the individual shape nodes.

0 replies
7d ago

Instantiate multiple artboards in Unity

With GameKit it is possible to instantiate thousands of artboards, creating a performant game.

It would make sense if this would be possible in Unity as well.

1 reply
8d ago

Curve editing

The little curve editor panel at the end of the timeline is too abstract. There needs to be a curve view inside the timeline that allows us to see the curves in context and in proportion to each other.

1 reply
8d ago

Replace with.... multiple assets at once

I didn't find any similar request, apologies otherwise.

πŸ‘‰ It is currently possible to replace one asset with another (available in the Assets) by right clicking (see image 1) on it. However it is not to replace multiple assets at one. It would save time if that would be available.

1 asset selected: AVAILABLE

Multiple assets selected: NOT AVAILABLE

0 replies
8d ago

Better Unity Runtime Integration

  1. I need to be able to see my Rive asset in the scene view before going into play mode.

  2. Render Textures are bad for performance and obscure an opportunity for deeper integration with the parts of a riv file.

  3. I want to drag .riv directly into a prefab or scene hierarchy and see a component pre-filled with the inputs available to the asset for an engineer to hook into.

The fact that I need to create my own edit-mode version of every riv file, that I cannot see the guts of a riv file, that I can't avoid using render textures, and that I have to write my own view component for every riv file means that I'm not going to be using rive with Unity.

2 replies
10d ago

Copy / Paste Constraints

This is and old request. But it would be amazing.
Add copy/paste feature for constraints and other attributes from one layer to another. All attributes remain the same, including target, spaces, etc.


0 replies
13d ago

Progress bar for .rev download

When clicking Export->For backup (.rev), nothing happens for a long time. It looks like there is an unreported error. Then suddenly after a while, a save file box (windows) pops up. I guess the reason this happens is that my file is quite big and the the server is too far away (I'm in Vietnam). This causes a big delay from user input to screen feedback. There should be a progress bar or at least some message like "please wait" while waiting for the file to become available.

0 replies
15d ago

Rive editor scripting support, visual, python, or otherwise.

I'm a game programmer and tool developer, and I don't use Rive directly, but its seems an incredibly powerful tool for artists to take control of their work. It puts a lot of power in their hands and I love it.

From what I can work out however, there are some limitations on what's possible within this framework, resulting in:

- Artists building overly complicated state machines and timelines, or having to duplicate them. To create behaviors mirroring loops, incrementing variables etc. (see the gif @ duplicating pepper functionality 5x as a simple example of this.)
- Artists having to ask us (programmers) to implement functionality in the runtime, to achieve the effect they want. (they don't want to ask us, and we don't want to do it... it slows both parties down.)

I'm sure the Rive developers have a clearer understanding of what's feasible... but I suspect to achieve Rive adoption similar to how flash was adopted back in the day, or to how AE has cemented itself as the only real tool for motion design, a scripting language (in the rive editor), or at least some kind of visual scripting is needed.

Frow my limited understanding, there are already functioning:
- state machines and events (sequencing)
- inputs (variables).

This is already halfway there but with the addition of:
- Instanced state machines/timelines (think prefabs, blueprints, class instances etc.)
- Loops to leverage instanced data.
- binary, float and integer arithmetic, linear algebra.

The rive editor becomes a fully functional interactive designer. And will (probably) take over the world.

Maybe creating a node of some kind you can embed python in, and an api that can communicate with. There seems to be some precedent for this in web apps such as jupyter notebooks, python is commonly understood by technical artists in maya/blender/houdini land. And with an api exposed it opens the possibility for third party plugins. (kinda essential, if you consider where AE would be without plugins)

I understand this is a cheeky feature request, If my understanding of Rive is flawed, please ignore (or correct) me. I've just seen how rive is empowering my artist/motion designer friends, how excited they are, and I really want to help the project grow!

3 replies
15d ago

Batch edit events on timelines and transitions

You are able to select conditions for multiple transitions at a time, but you're not able to select events in the same way. It would be very helpful to be able to have the same experience selecting events in these areas as choosing conditions. Right now, if you have a lot of transitions and timelines, you're out of luck and have to do it the long way.

1 reply
16d ago

Ability to Separate Out The Different Work Windows

Like in Maya and Adobe products, I would like to be able to move things like the bottom window containing the state machine/animation, inputs, etc, and be able to drag and drop them onto a separate screen so I can have more working space for both the state machine and the art board.

Currently they are fighting for the limited screen space on one.

1 reply
16d ago

More possibilities for "number"

When creating a listener that affects a number, we can only set the number to a specific one. It would help a lot if it was possible to do some operations like "add X" and "subtract x"

3 replies
17d ago

Align work area end point to the last keyframe automatically

This might be a niche ask, but trimming timelines to the perfect duration gets tedious in the way I work.
Having an option to align the work area end point to the last keyframe automatically would save me a lot of time!

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