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How do I import a REV folder into an existing project?
I'm sure many people have encountered the problem of adding a rev file to an existing project. I haven't found a solution how to unpack this extension, there are no clear manuals on this topic anywhere. Also I haven't found a way to add rev file to an existing project. Rive itself doesn't give any clear hints on how to do it
Please allow for stroke tapering
Now with vector feathering, stroke tapering would allow for something like my display picture to be animated. would be good to have a curve too, to control if its a linear taper or quadratic taper + some sort of taper start to allow for a solid segment in a stroke followed by taper segment
New timeline below state machine
When you click to add a new timeline, it adds it above the state machine. This new one needs to go below the state machine as the user clicks the state machine often and it needs to have easy access. If it goes below it pushes it down the list. If you don't reorganize, you have to scroll down to see the state machine.
Make finding files on the Homepage more intuitive
Twice now I've freaked out because I couldn't find my older files. Turned out, I had to click "Shared project" in the left col of the home page, but it took me awhile (twice) to figure that out. Even the "Recent files > View all" only shows recent files. I think the Teams vs Workspaces vs Shared stuff is kinda confusing, maybe because I don't really have a need for it, and I think I have some old Legacy stuff in there.
But in general, I think a true "All files" view (maybe with team/workspace tags so its filterable? With Sort options by Recency or Alpha, etc?). Maybe all the Learn stuff on the home page could be in a right column that's collapsible, to devote more file-finding space in the center column? (note I'm a long-time product/UX designer, so I always have opinions :)
Feature Request: Add folders to "Assets" panel; Add color labels throughout UI
Good morning team,
Small features, but would be a really nice for project file cleanliness/organization. I do a lot of work with UI animation, so I'm having to bring in sometimes dozens of assets, and it gets so difficult to keep it organized!! I'm very used to AE's folder and label system, which is perfect TBH.
Would be great to add a folder system into the assets panel. Currently, I drop in a PNG or something, and just turn it into a custom divider, but folders would be much better.
Also, not just for the assets panel, but possibly design/animation layers: color labels would be huuuge. I'd love to be able to add color labels to individual layers throughout my project, as well as folders in the assets panel, if that were to be added.
Both of these are just really small polish, but would be a big help for Rive power users. I hope you guys consider some organization/cleanliness features, like these. Either way, the product is killer and I, among the entire community, appreciate what you guys are building for the industry. <3 LFG!
Several features I believe would be uber helpful!
Ability to stagger keyframes with ability to set intervals and ascending/descending, and if possible to stagger using various sine functions.
Ability to filter animated properties in the timeline - for example if I want to only see position properties or only rotation properties
Visible Motion Paths with bezier control handles for precise adjustments of movement
Selecting a different object should update the dialog/menu that is open
Hi Rive team,
I’ve noticed a behavior that the following behavior seems counterintuitive (though I'm not sure if this is intentional). When I have a dialog open (e.g., the Animation Options menu of a nested artboard) and then select a different nested artboard, the previous dialog remains open. This makes it appear as though the open dialog belongs to the newly selected artboard, which can be misleading.
Proposed behavior:
If selecting a different object that has the same property, the dialog should remain open but update to reflect the newly selected object. This would allow for quick comparisons and edits.
If selecting an object that does not have the same property, the dialog should close automatically to clearly indicate that different object is now selected.
As a potential enhancement, a small “lock” icon could allow users to keep a dialog open while switching objects, but I’m not sure if that’s necessary. At the very least, it would be helpful if dialogs closed when selecting a different object type.
Thanks for considering this! I’m absolutely loving Rive so far.
List text runs
I want to be able to list all text runs so that I can configure my engine to update the text when playing the rive file.
I don't see any way to list the text runs in the react-canvas
or canvas
javascript packages.
The documentation talks about marking text runs to be "exported for runtime" but there is no way to "list" them. I think you can only 1) read, or 2) set the value.
Key Open/Close Path
I just want a small feature, option to key Open/Close path in state machine.
i mean in state machine I want some states have open path and other have a close path, just want to handle my path close/open in any state
thank you
Jetpack Compose !
Blocker to adopting Rive at one of the UK's fastest growing tech firms. We've long moved on from XML !
Would appreciate proper Jetpack support vs. work-arounds.
Thanks !
Multiple requests:
Hello I am an animator transitioning from Spine, and I notice some features that are missing and lack of them bother me a lot, here are just few that bother me the most:
please make automatic scroll on hierarchy when element is selected on the viewer ( scrolling through hierarchy to find selected element in big rigs takes long time )
create automatic weight application to the points
create more hotkeys, to quick select, quick key etc.
Image Order is very complex, there's a lot of setup to be done. Can it be easier and faster. Spine is great with that
when I make a new bone or element, or even animation it goes to the top of hierarchy, and I have to scroll look for it. Please make it so it's created below the selected element or animation.
there needs to be more optimal multiple bone selection and keying
My TOP Feature requests
1. Matte
2. React native: currently we don't support chaching and asset loading which can be a bigger issue in adoption
3. Components (asset which are often used and can be use across files )
4. Number input which is sub divided with ones, tenth, hundredth positions, can bring more animation control in number animations. like ticker. basically number input controlled from outside but it can be differentiated with it's 1, 10, 100,.. values internally,
5. Motion bezier handles: currently i have to make a path then set the dependency, but can be like after effects where i can just set small arc when animating position.
6. State machine logic patterns (for education purposes, we can document different state machine map, like how to design nav bar icon interaction, carousels, etc)
Keeping the Changelog and Feature Requests up to date
Wild feature request, I know, but imagine, how cool it would be, if the changelog was kept up to date (Last entry to this post is from january 8th, 2025, with at least two app updates inbetween)? And as we are discussing this issue, maybe one could mark the already implemented features, so they don't appear as "most selected" ones here? Sorry for being a bit sarcastic here, but I'm a fan of some development hygiene... ;-)
How do I create a preset?
Is there any way to save animation settings in Rive? How do I create a preset?
Dropdown select option order
If I rearrange the order of inputs, or events in the hierarchy on an artboard, that order is not reflected in the dropdown picker when I am creating inputs. Right now the order of dropdown items appears to be random but it should match the order of those items where they reside whether that is in the inputs panel or the layer hierarchy.
This is what the order is in the artboard hierarchy.
This is the order that shows up in the dropdown selector for listeners:
The later events, Pattern 2+ do show the proper order, but it isn't consistent.
Better State Machine Controls
When working with a state machine, depending on the complexity, it can get hard to work in. The zoom is limited, and there aren't alignment controls to move nodes or straighten things up automatically. I sometimes wish I could have multiple instances of the "Start" node, or just a way to have more things attached without needing to have them all attached to the same node. Connections tend to get really busy making it a bit more cumbersome to use.
Transform multiple vertices simultaneously
Could we get a way to transform multiple vector points at once, similar to how AE does it? (video example below)
Stroke alignment
Is this planned for future implementations? I still have to manually check a lot of strokes when importing vectors from Illustrator due to outside aligning strokes. Is this one of those issues that is unexpectedly difficult to implement or something?
Bumping these two threads since they didn't get a reply:
I propose a function to merge paths into one
Is it possible to add a feature to create more than 2 Custom Shapes with Pen and merge the paths of multiple Custom Shapes?
If this feature is available, it would be convenient for creating a Stroke that neatly wraps multiple overlapping Shapes into one.
I may not have found a feature related to this, or I may not have figured out an easy way to replace it, but I'd still like to suggest it.
I've also attached a screenshot related to this. I wish there was a feature that changes the left side to the right side.