6mo ago

How to post a bug

  1. Explain what's not working in detail.

  2. Tell us what browser/desktop app/OS/runtime you're using.

  3. Include a screenshot, video, code snippet, or a .rev backup file.

0 replies
1d ago

Quotation Marks across Mac and Pc

Hey There

Ive recently created a Rive interactive project on my Mac, I provided my developer, on PC with the iFrame code created in the Sharing section. When he implemented this code into the website it created an error and did not display the Rive creation.

We finally figured out that the quotation marks "" on Mac are different to those on PC and when he changed them the Rive creation appeared and worked fully.

To me this is a HUGE issue with people working together on different platforms.

I hope this can be fixed for future bugs issues.


1 reply
1d ago

Layer style on text layer not working

There are layer style options on a text layer but nothing happens when I tried to change it.

Also, can I use a text layer as a clip target while not changing it into a shape layer (want to keep it dynamic)? I tried setting it as target but the mask just doesn't register. Not sure if this is a bug or text just can't be used as mask.

Thanks for your help!

0 replies
2d ago

'Any State' input across different layers issue

Hi guys, 

I seem to have found an issue with the 'any state' when changing values within the same input across different layers of the state machine. I have attached a video where I explain the issue I am experiencing. 

I have also sent the file shown in the video in .rev and .riv to support@rive.app, if that helps. 

Thanks for your help in advance.

1 reply
4d ago

Documentation incorrect




That is wrong. It should be be FireInputStateAtPath(). Tested in Unity.

3 replies
4d ago

Vector geometry is warping/glitching

I'm experiencing this annoying warping effect when embedding my animation into Framer or when previewing through the Share link.
In the editor (MacOS) it looks fine.
This is a star shape with multiple points and a corner radius. The star shape has a white stroke that is set as 'Transform affects: false'


4 replies
5d ago

State machine transition easings are not carried over...

...when copying and pasting an artboard across different projects.

Any custom easings get replaced by the standard linear interpolation.

2 replies
7d ago

Continued (endless) processing of the pasted asset.

1) I've copy-pasted a vector asset from the Adobe Illustrator, as I usually do (and did successfully before), but asset has not pasted but has been stack on "processing". Even I opened the project file next day, it still "processing"
2)Windows 11, last version of the desktop Rive.

2 replies
8d ago

a very bad-as experience

I wanted to rename some layers so selecting the layers using my mouse button moved the artboard i have to click outside the artboard and then select again but press ctrl button to select layers, missed a layer? now press shift to select a layer and pressing ctrl removes selection, dont worry pressing Ctrl+z might restore selected layers but no repeat all again. Ok now i made a group and wanted to rename it. Guess what i cant rename the group. The most retarted menu opens with no option to rename. I tapped the hell out of my left click but no i was not able to rename any group. I added bones to my groups and i tried to copy the group with bones and guess what? only bones were copied. The hell im supposed to do with bones? I have used adobe photoshop, illustrator, figma, xd, but this is some next level experience. thumbs up for whoever was in charge of this.

2 replies
9d ago

Can't rename layers

I imported some svg assets from figma and now when i ry to rename layers by double clicking, nothing happens. Also, there should be an option to rename the layer and to group layers when you right click them.

In the video i'm double ckicking the layers but nothing happens.

Other files are still normal

1 reply
9d ago

Desktop app stays in loading mode

I've downloaded the desktop app for Windows but it stays forever in the loading screen, I've waited for half an hour but nothing happens. I've tried deinstalling but the same thing happens.

0 replies
11d ago

Rive file won't open after importing heavy Figma-made SVG file


I have an urgent deadline with a client and I tried to add in a Figma-made SVG into my Rive file that has lots of compound paths/vector layers. Don't know how Figma made it such a big SVG file when I exported it from there (around 580KB) but now because it's in the Rive file it's made it impossible to open the file without it crashing.

I've tried opening it in the Desktop app, Chrome, Safari to no avail. I've created a new file to work from temporarily but I need access to this file ASAP.

If there's a way to just delete this heavy asset from this file or revert it back to a version where this asset didn't exist, I would really appreciate that. The file ID is 356718 - 801697.

I'm not even sure if file size is the issue but if it is, wish there was a warning modal when importing potentially large files that could prevent this in the future!


2 replies
12d ago

Issue with Stopping Audio Track in Nested Artboard

If I key a long audio track (like a song) in a Nested Artboard and press play in the parent artboard, the audio track starts playing. However, the issue is that the audio track doesn't stop when I stop the state machine, even when I close the file. The only way to stop the song is by closing the entire Rive tab or the Rive app.

0 replies
12d ago

follow path constraint not working

Since the follow path constraint itself does work alone,

but it crashes when page auto refresh or share project link activation.

the message "Rive had to patch your project since bad data" pops up after trying to share my project.

why does this happen?

i use both desktop app and website, also I use macOS

1 reply
13d ago

Heart has square around in community files:


0 replies
14d ago

Double-click Nested Artboard's area stops the State Machine

When I press play to test my project and double-click within a nested artboard area, it stops the state machine and takes me to the nested artboard's source.

1 reply
17d ago

Error on "Web (JS)" article quick start example

On this article

Error text:

CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip: Argument 1 does not implement interface Path2D.
This screen is visible only in development. It will not appear if the app crashes in production.
Open your browser’s developer console to further inspect this error.
This error overlay is powered by `react-error-overlay` used in `create-react-app`.

Console error text: CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip: Argument 1 does not implement interface Path2D.

Dunno if you were aware of this already.

2 replies