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1y ago

How to post a bug

  1. Explain what's not working in detail.

  2. Tell us what browser/desktop app/OS/runtime you're using.

  3. Include a screenshot, video, code snippet, or a .rev backup file.

0 replies
6h ago

4K screen Scaling effects performance significantly


I got a PC with Windows 11 Pro, Ver 22631.4751
RTX4090 with I5 13600KF
64Gb Ram and a 1000mb/s ssd
4k screen with 60hz refresh
Chrome latest version with no extensions activated on the site.

When I try to preview community projects in my screen with windows display setting of %150 scaling for legibility my CPU gets %100. At first I didn't know what was causing the issue but when I get back to %100 scale my problem was solved. But for daily life I cant run in %100 scale because everything get so small.

I had these issues for some time and now I was able to pinpoint what was causing the bug.

My concern is people with 4k screens in %150 scale (windows recommendation) might have problem running rive assets in the websites that they visit.

I don't have the problem with my macbook with M3 Max.

0 replies
3d ago

.riv files not displaying when parent set to display: none on page load

Hey! Not sure if this is a bug or not... Adding .riv files into Webflow... If I add my .riv file into a parent div block that has initial state display: none on page load, the Rive file does not display (a nav dropdown menu, for example, that is set to display: none on page load, when opened by click or hover, the .riv is not visible - I can see it in Inspect but it's not visible on the page)... This is also the case when my .riv files are inside Webflow tab elements (Rive files do not display in the 'not-current' tabs) and Webflow Dropdown Lists - .riv files are working fine when added to non-hidden elements, etc. NOTE: I'm using the built-in Webflow 'Rive' element, not an embed... also, this is not just a 'my project' issue but one that affects all Webflow projects

0 replies
6d ago

Rive editor crashes as soon as I open my file after newest update

I've updated the Rive editor a few minutes ago and since then I can't seem to open/edit my file from the desktop app, it just crashes/freezes. I've sent the .Rev to the support email.

Thanks for your help! I've got a lot of urgent work to get done on this so I'm hoping it'll be quick 😊


0 replies
7d ago

IOS and Riv files used in UICollectionViewCell will flash when refreshed

IOS and Riv files used in UICollectionViewCell will flash when refreshed

1 reply
9d ago

Rive not opening in my pc.

I downloaded Rive, But it's not opening it shows the hourglass and then vanishes, but no software popup shows.

I am using Windows 11. 64 Bit.

0 replies
11d ago

Lottie (json) import issue

I have a json file that does not work correctly on Rive, and I also tested the file on Lottie Viewer, and it works fine. Testing in After Effect and Telegram (as a.tgs file), there are the same issues as rive not working correctly. and when I import it in AE, I see some expression code for Elastic. I don't know; maybe because of expression code, the animation does not work correctly.

And here is the Expression code

var $bm_rt;
var eff, amp, freq, decay, n, n, t, t, v;
try {
    eff = effect('Elastic Controller');
    amp = div(eff(1), 200);
    freq = div(eff(2), 30);
    decay = div(eff(3), 10);
    $bm_rt = n = 0;
    if (numKeys > 0) {
        $bm_rt = n = nearestKey(time).index;
        if (key(n).time > time) {
    if (n == 0) {
        $bm_rt = t = 0;
    } else {
        $bm_rt = t = sub(time, key(n).time);
    if (n > 0) {
        v = velocityAtTime(sub(key(n).time, div(thisComp.frameDuration, 10)));
        $bm_rt = add(value, div(mul(mul(v, amp), Math.sin(mul(mul(mul(freq, t), 2), Math.PI))), Math.exp(mul(decay, t))));
    } else {
        $bm_rt = value;
} catch (e) {
    $bm_rt = value = value;
3 replies
16d ago

Android Native Memory Issue

Hello I have a question about the android git sample.

The Native memory increase each time When I enter the stress test activity.

I want to decrease native memory when activity is finished.

Thank you.

2 replies
17d ago

How to update the Nested Input in flutter?


I tried to add nested input in Flutter by using artboard.getBoolInput(name, path). It worked at the beginning when I printed the input value. It displayed false as the default setting.

i.e. _btnInput = artboard.getBoolInput(name, path)

However, when I tried to tap on the bolean button, the animation shows but the input value kept in false. I referenced to my rive statemachine, the input value should change to false after tapping.

In Flutter, I also tried to change the input value by entering (_btnInput?.value == true;), the input value kept in false.

Does anyone know how to update the nested input value in Flutter?


4 replies
18d ago

The Latest Flutter Runtime Does Not Support "Capture Base State" Property

I am using "Blend" to define the range of "Input" values, allowing developers to precisely control the timeline by adjusting the Input.

When Flutter developers assign values to the Input after compilation, the resulting animation does not match the effects I see in the editor. Specifically, the animation in the Flutter application appears offset relative to the Input values.

Tests Conducted:
We tested the animation and Input using the web version (with the latest web runtime dependencies), and it worked correctly without any issues.

Suspected Cause:

  • In the Editor: If "Capture Base State" is enabled, the timeline in the editor behaves correctly, with no offset (as expected). However, if "Capture Base State" is disabled, the timeline becomes offset, causing a mismatch with the Input values.

  • In Flutter Runtime: Regardless of whether "Capture Base State" is enabled or disabled when exporting the RIV file, the Flutter Runtime always shows the timeline as offset. In other words, even if "Capture Base State" is enabled in the editor, it seems like the Flutter Runtime ignores this setting and behaves as if "Capture Base State" is disabled.

Could this issue be due to the latest Flutter runtime dependencies not supporting the "Capture Base State" property?
If so, do you plan to update the Flutter runtime dependencies to support this property by January?

3 replies
21d ago

Flutter can‘t package Android app that include the new feature 'Layout' riv

Application scenarios:

My rive file contains a recent new feature 'Layout', which can automatically adjust the size of the frame based on the length of my text.

Encountered problems:

When Flutter developers package, they use the latest version of Flutter dependency (V13.20). The packaging of IOS programs went very smoothly ✔; But when packaging Android programs, it will report an error ✖。

Attempted solution:

When I remove 'Artboard with Layout' in the rive editor, Android can package it smoothly


There is an issue with your Flutter dependency (for Android), please update the Flutter dependency.

3 replies
23d ago

Lost All My File

I just go back after couple months and all my file in Rive disappear without any message or notification.
Any solution are there.

1 reply
1mo ago

Revision History causes Rive to crash down

Hi, from the last update, on both windows desktop app and web app -

When trying to click on any of the Revision History options, Rive is crashing down.

It's not occurring for all projects. I can't tell for sure but the things that I might have done differently for some of these projects are: I copied and pasted a new project inside a folder; I exported the files as .riv and .rev; I opened a .rev file I've received.

I'll add more info if I find anything else.


1 reply
1mo ago

Selecting a target in a listener causes it to deselect

This is a little thing but quite frustrating. So whenever I select a Listening to look for a target, when the target is selected, the listener is deselected, so I need to click on it again. Makes no sense.

1 reply
1mo ago

audio in a nested art board is louder than its source art board?

As the title explains i have a project where i have nested three art boards into a main project art board. The audio is at the desired volume level in the source art boards. The volume level has been set in the asset panel for audio clip "Cartoon, Jump, Spring, Boing". The volume level is set to 5%. The issue is that the nested art boards sound like they are back to 100% in the main art board they have been nested in. Not sure why this is the case? Why isn't the volume set in the source art board that are nested not getting passed to the main art board. Is this a bug or a limitation in the current version of Rive?

4 replies