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9mo ago

How to post a bug

  1. Explain what's not working in detail.

  2. Tell us what browser/desktop app/OS/runtime you're using.

  3. Include a screenshot, video, code snippet, or a .rev backup file.

0 replies
18h ago

Shortcut "Alt + ." plays a windows alert sound when moving keyframes.

When in timeline and using move keyframe shortcuts with ALT key - my windows 10 plays out an alert sound every time.

Beta 0.8.1986

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home

Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045

0 replies
2d ago

Default Cubic Interpolation Key Type breaks editor

  1. There's a bug that breaks editor when you use the new "Set as default interpolation" feature. When it's set to "Cubic" an attempt to set a new key (sometimes editing the key) on curve vertices crashes the editor so it needs to be refreshed

  2. Both browser and desktop app, macOS

2 replies
2d ago

Deleted assets still contribute to exported `.riv` size

I've encountered an issue where if I add assets and then later remove them the exported size of the .riv file doesn't get smaller even though I've deleted the assets. This produces an unfortunate side-affect that adding any asset such as a PNG sequence or a Lottie file permanently affects the size of your outputted animation. Is this because it's being stored in the revision history?

How I encountered the bug.
I imported some Lottie files that utilized PNG sequences, but noticed that the files were too large. So I deleted the assets from Rive, compressed them, then re-imported them. However when I went to export the animation the .riv file was now larger than the original export!

I've done additional experiments and came to the conclusion that for some reason removing assets doesn't actually reduce the size of the export.

Will add example .rev when I get the chance later today.

8 replies
2d ago

Targets are not visible

Targets are not visible in animation mode, is this normal?
if it's normal how can i view them? i saw that in this tutorial he continues to see them in animation mode (time 33:04) A Cat following the Mouse

2 replies
3d ago

Text Overflow Fit Multiline Issue

When adding line-break characters to a Text Run that has Overflow set to Fit, the Text is scaled as if it was on a single line.

I would expect the text to fit with regards to line-break as well, so scaling to fit the widest line on the horizontal axis.

This seems like an unintentional issue that we cannot work around as users with using dynamic (on runtime set) Text Runs with variable copy.

1 reply
3d ago

Icon to reveal more properties is invisible

I've been experiencing this on both Windows and Mac. Desktop app.
Also happening to the state machine 'play' icon

1 reply
6d ago

BUG with CTRL+Z & Listeners

Hey guys, I have a problem, and I'm not sure if it’s a bug. I created my listeners, assigned a target and an input change. By mistake, I deleted the artboard, then I undid it with ctrl+Z, and it seems like they got reset. The target remained, but the input change got deleted. I tried several times, and it keeps happening. Is it just me?

3 replies
8d ago

The GIF file rendering isn't working properly.

This translation is provided by ChatGPT.

The GIF file rendering isn't working properly.
I'm on a free plan, and the GIF file isn't rendering as configured.
Specifically, when I set the FPS to 60 and the duration to 1:20, it renders with an FPS of 50 and a duration of 1:17.
The first few worked fine, but after the bug occurred, the same issue happens with all artboards.

64bit Windows 10, browser ver and App ver

2 replies
8d ago

Unable to run rive in firefox dev.

I got this 'CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip' error when walk though the tutorial to implement rive in react.
Please check, thank you.

- Full Error name: CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip: Argument 1 does not implement interface Path2D.
- Firefox dev version: 132.0b7 (64-bit).

2 replies
9d ago

Unable to launch Rive

Hello, I can't open Rive. I installed it from the launcher but when I open it, a window opens to choose whether the software checks whether updates are available automatically but I can't choose an option, then the software closes and then nothing.

Here is the error:

Error detector 1302129469752947841, type 5

Event name: MoAppCrash

Response: Not available


Problem signature :
P1: com.flutter.riveeditor_1.8.1934.1921_x64__g2vzrvmhnrrvc

P2 : praid:riveeditor

P3 : 0.8.1934.0

P4 : 66fc98fc

P5 : rive_native_plugin.dll

P6 :

P7 : 66fc98ed

P8 : c0000005

P9 : 00000000001bee9f

P10 :

1 reply
13d ago

Crash while importing rive file to unreal

Getting this crash every time I import a certain Rive file into unreal:
Running Windows 11, Unreal Engine 5.4.4 with the latest plugin from the github.

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0x0000000300000000
UnrealEditor_Rive!rive::LinearGradient::makeGradient() [D:\rive-runtime\src\shapes\paint\linear_gradient.cpp:140]
UnrealEditor_Rive!rive::LinearGradient::applyTo() [D:\rive-runtime\src\shapes\paint\linear_gradient.cpp:130]
UnrealEditor_Rive!rive::Artboard::advanceInternal() [D:\rive-runtime\src\artboard.cpp:786]
UnrealEditor_Rive!URiveArtboard::Initialize() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveArtboard.cpp:657]
UnrealEditor_Rive!URiveArtboard::Reinitialize() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveArtboard.cpp:672]
UnrealEditor_Rive!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,URiveArtboard,void __cdecl(bool),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::ExecuteIfSafe() [E:\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateInstancesImpl.h:667]
UnrealEditor_Rive!TMulticastDelegate<void __cdecl(bool),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::Broadcast() [E:\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateSignatureImpl.inl:956]
UnrealEditor_Rive!URiveFile::BroadcastInitializationResult() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveFile.cpp:173]
UnrealEditor_Rive!`URiveFile::Initialize'::`2'::<lambda_3>::operator()() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveFile.cpp:156]
UnrealEditor_RiveRenderer!FRiveRenderer::CallOrRegister_OnInitialized() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\RiveRenderer\Private\RiveRenderer.cpp:73]
UnrealEditor_Rive!URiveFile::Initialize() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveFile.cpp:100]
UnrealEditor_Rive!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,URiveFile,void __cdecl(void),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::Execute() [E:\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateInstancesImpl.h:650]
UnrealEditor_RiveRenderer!FRiveRendererModule::CallOrRegister_OnRendererInitialized() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\RiveRenderer\Private\RiveRendererModule.cpp:68]
UnrealEditor_Rive!URiveFile::PostLoad() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveFile.cpp:41]
UnrealEditor_Rive!URiveFile::EditorImport() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\Rive\Private\Rive\RiveFile.cpp:243]
UnrealEditor_RiveEditor!URiveFileFactory::FactoryCreateFile() [E:\CW46\ColdWar\Plugins\Rive_0.2.1\Source\RiveEditor\Private\Factories\RiveFileFactory.cpp:64]

2 replies
13d ago

A specific project crush and i cant enter him anymore

I created a hero section to my website
and the rive file work great over there.
I wanted to change the symbol at the middle from beer to text "try me"
I have 2 animations
1) Left to Right
2) Right to left
1 already at the website
2 not at the website.
i success to change it at the Right to left
but at the Left to right
The project crush and i can't edit it at all
Can you help me with that?
Please check out the video

Rive version v0.8.1934
MAC OS 14.6.1 (23G93)

5 replies
14d ago

Inefficient rendering Unity

Unity re-renders all static vector objects every single frame. If there is a scene with a large amount of objects (no state machines), it can easily take up 80% of the mobile GPU (draining the battery). Other platforms (React Native) don't have this problem. There is something wrong with the current Unity implementation. Please check.

2 replies
15d ago

Duplicate state machine not working

Duplicating a state machine in the animations tab has two issues:

-Folder structures for Inputs and Listeners are not created when duplicating a state machine.

-Listeners which have an input from a nested artboard are not assigned and remain empty (slot is copied but input is not selected).

-There might be other bugs. Duplicating a state machine which has various references to nested artboards with inputs, listeners, and state machine layers is not working properly.

0 replies
18d ago

Rive community lag

Hey there! Is it just me, or has the Rive community become super laggy and unstable over the past couple of weeks?

3 replies
19d ago

Units wrong when animation length set to minutes


  1. set animation duration to an hour

  2. notice that every minute is marked with s

1 reply
20d ago

Embed Flutter app as a module inside iOS blocked by Rive error

I'm exporting my Flutter app as a module to be able to embed in iOS. All the Rive animation is loading properly when I launch the Flutter app in iPhone simulator or chrome. But once I launch the app as a module in iOS i'm getting this error:

[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Failed to lookup symbol 'init': dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, init): symbol not found #0 DynamicLibrary.lookup (dart:ffi-patch/ffi_dynamic_library_patch.dart:33:70) #1 init (package:rive_common/src/rive_text_ffi.dart:493:16) #2 init (package:rive_common/src/rive_text_ffi.dart) #3 initFont (package:rive_common/src/rive_text_ffi.dart:810:3) #4 Font.initialize (package:rive_common/rive_text.dart:461:7) #5 RiveFile.initialize (package:rive/src/rive_file.dart:392:33) #6 RiveFile._initTextAndImport (package:rive/src/rive_file.dart:414:13) #7 RiveFile.asset (package:rive/src/rive_file.dart:444:12) <asynchronous suspension> #8 riveFileProvider.<anonymous closure> (package:replay_gaming_module/ui/rive/rive_providers.dart:5:16) <asynchronous suspension> #9 FutureHandlerProviderElementMixin.handleFuture.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:riverpod/src/async_notifier/base.dart:348:9) <asynchronous suspension>

1 reply