Background Color & Vector Feathering Issues in Webflow
I've noticed that the background color of most elements isn’t rendering properly in Webflow. In the Rive editor, everything looks fine, but once uploaded into Webflow, the background colors are missing. I’ve attached screenshots for reference:
a) How it appears in the Rive editor
b) How it appears in Webflow
c) Backup .rev file
Additionally, vector feathering doesn’t seem to render correctly in Webflow either.
Could you please check if this is something on Rive’s end? If not, could you request Webflow’s team to take the necessary steps to resolve it?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I don't think Webflow is using the newest Rive runtime yet, which is why feathing isn't working. I would recommend contacting them to find out when they plan to update to the latest runtime.
Thanks for the prompt reply