2h ago

Position and Size attributes of Joystick layers resetting when duplicating

If you edit the size/position/etc. of a Joystick layer and then duplicate the hierarchy containing the Joystick layer, the duplicated Joystick seems to partially revert back to a default state (position: [0, 0] size: [100, 100]). This can cause Joysticks to stack on top of each other if they're stored in a group, since they'll all now be positioned at the local origin.

This can also happen when duplicating artboards, and seems to happen when loading .rev backups too.

0 replies
10h ago

data binding

Just adding to ask if any updates/detail on this upcoming feature?

0 replies
16h ago

Big Wheel animation in the community

I have added the Big wheel animation to the community, so you can play with it and see how it is made. https://rive.app/community/files/9939-18941-big-wheel-demo/

0 replies
16h ago

Failure to import Rive artboard to Framer

I'm getting an error message in framer after pasting in the Framer code to a new code component. Here is the code:
import React, { useEffect } from "react" import { addPropertyControls } from "framer" import _ from "@rive-app/react-canvas" import RiveComponent, { componentName, propertyControls } from "https://rive.app/api/s/o_mamCFRNkm_A-YWCQlRFA/framer/" /** * @framerSupportedLayoutWidth any-prefer-fixed * @framerSupportedLayoutHeight any-prefer-fixed */ export default RiveComponent as React.ComponentType RiveComponent.displayName = componentName addPropertyControls(RiveComponent, propertyControls)

Here is the console output from Framer:

T20:01:59.313Z warn: [modules-runtime] Error in 'codeFile/Hero_Rive.tsx': Error: Unable to resolve specifier '@rive-app/react-canvas' imported from https://rive.app/api/s/o_mamCFRNkm_A-YWCQlRFA/framer/ at a0 (https://app.framerstatic.com/es-module-shims-U3QXTE66.js:4:534) at Re (https://app.framerstatic.com/es-module-shims-U3QXTE66.js:4:503) at resolveHook (https://app.framerstatic.com/chunk-ZZP2CTCY.js:1:4091) at resolve (https://project-a4zcyjyyaw6ch3aqaooc.framercanvas.com/s/app.a4439fa23b28fcd421eb703f8344773e3f81ed5a/preview-next.html?target=code-editor-preview-web&mode=dark:222:33) at i0 (https://app.framerstatic.com/es-module-shims-U3QXTE66.js:4:130) at https://app.framerstatic.com/es-module-shims-U3QXTE66.js:9:1364 at Array.map (<anonymous>) at https://app.framerstatic.com/es-module-shims-U3QXTE66.js:9:1266

Please help me! This is for an urgent project

5 replies
1d ago

Multi-touch/Polyphonic playback... Is this possible?


I am just experimenting with using the new sound feature - but is there any way to make it polyphonic at runtime so two or more triggered items could be played simultaneously. For example, if it was a piano then multiple notes could be played simultaneously by touch.

Of course this would not be possible on a desktop/laptop computer (with a cursor), but on a smart phone or iPad when separate fingers can touch different keys at the same time - is there a way that both events could trigger together?

I'm trying to come up with a way to do this but so far no luck, so was just wondering if you can steer me in the right direction - or just tell me that it's not actually possible then I can stop wasting my time ;)


1 reply
1d ago

Browser render glitching or popping. Different from in-app playback.

I've got popping or some kind of gitching when viewing playback on any browser.

Rive Version 0.8.1317
Mac Ventura 13.0

When the animations flip from default state to animated state and back there is glitching in/around the shoulder area on the character. Not visible in-app. Arms are made up of Main controllers and multiple solo's.

2 replies
2d ago

Audio play/pause/stop

beside the possibility of keying the volume in the future, I wish we can have the control to pause and stop an audio piste. this will give the ability to switch from one song to another in runtime if needed.

0 replies
3d ago

Constraint: Rotate to face the target object (like Unity's `transform.LookAt`)

For turrets and stuff.

2 replies
4d ago

First try: Short tutorial about clipping, constraints and align to a target :)

0 replies
4d ago

Voice Chat in a file

Voice chat per file. Instead of just having a user in the file, make voice chat available within the file. Whenever I've actively collaborated on a file, I've used slack to coordinate. Maybe not worth it since things like huddle and meet exist, but I do think we should take as many steps as possible to eliminate the need for additional software.

0 replies
4d ago

Workshop file

A workshop file would allow you to invite users to a file where they can watch you work on something. This, I believe, would be a better way to do internal training, rather than deal with the low frame rates of things like Meet and Zoom. This idea only works if we have voice chat.

0 replies
4d ago

Attaching comments and videos to shared files

As great as it will be to have a way to quickly share files between users, realistically you still need other tools like slack or discord if you want to send someone information about the file. I think it would be great if this could all live in that Info panel Alex was showing off today.

Comments - Comments would be a good way to just shoot someone a file with a quick message like "Hey, I need help with this interaction".

Video - Attaching a video file (created outside of Rive) or a video walkthrough (something created within the Editor) would eliminate the need to send someone a message outside of the editor explaining how a file works, or how a particular interaction is set up.

0 replies
4d ago

Save Current Revision

A shortcut to save a current revision would be nice. Instead of saving the current revision within the file (though that would be nice too), it would prompt you to rename the revision, then save a copy of the file to your file browser. Instead of dumping it into a random location,  it would wrap the current file, plus the saved revision into a folder. It might also be nice that if you save a current revision, you could send that revision to other users, or to a specific destination within a team or in your file browser.

This is an easy way to prototype interactions; then, instead of creating a new file, you can save those prototypes and delete them from the file after building your finalized assets.

This also serves as a way to freely brainstorm in a file, save an idea, delete the artboard, and continue working.

0 replies
4d ago


Seems like a lot of those new share functionality has been thought about already, but figured I'd drop in some of those ideas here.

Share directly with a user. Team spaces are great, but in reality, they get cluttered REALLY quickly. They're a great space for finalized assets to live while waiting for production. Those assets are easily updated within that space as well. The big problem is when someone on your team wants help with a particular interaction, you probably want to avoid clogging up the team space with random files, so having the ability to share a file directly would be a great addition. We could have a few sharing options that could make the experience flexible and be right for any situation.

  1. Send to team - Sends a copy of the file from your personal space, directly to the team space.

    Bonus points if you could dictate exactly where the file ends up, so the ability to say, send to Folder X or Y.

    BIG bonus points if you could "tag a team member". This would allow you to tag a team member and that team member would receive a notification that "a new file has been added to the X Folder on your team". In addition to tagging, sending a little note with the file would also go a long way.

    MORE bonus points if files that you are tagged in could be found in the "shared with me" tab in the file browser.

  2. Share with user - Shares a copy of a file directly with a user. That file lives in a "shared with me" in the file browser. This is an ad-hoc team space where shared files live. They don't have to be collaborative like a team file, but could they be? The idea with this is to make sharing a file easy, without needing to clog up a team space or, without needing to download a .rev, send the file and a message on Slack or email.

    In an ideal world, users would receive a notification that a new file has been shared with them, and the sending user could attach, AT A MINIMUM, a message to the file. The PERFECT scenario is if we could attach a video clip.

    As an add-on to the "Save current revision" idea, sending a specific revision would also be great.

  3. Share with viewer - Basically, a share link, but more akin to a community post. Viewers would be able to leave general feedback, maybe even give reactions similar to how community posts work now?

    Files shared in this way would also live in the "shared with me" tab on the file browser... so viewers would need to have their own Rive account.

    Good way to share with the big boss man who is just there for the final thumbs up or down.

  4. Share for review -  This is similar to sharing with a viewer, except there's added functionality for creative directors, or heads of motion, or whatever the role would be. It would likely look like a share-link or community post window.

    CMD+SHIFT+C - Takes a screenshot, pauses playback, or somehow creates a timestamp so that specific feedback can be given.

    In a perfect world, you'd be able to draw on the window.

0 replies
4d ago

Copy/paste text modifiers

Would be nice to be able to copy modifiers from one text object to another

0 replies
4d ago

Right click in empty Animations panel

Would be nice to be able to quickly create an animation, folder, or state machine by right clicking the empty space (instead of having to go up to the plus (+) icon

0 replies