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9mo ago

How to get support

Please post your general support questions.

  1. Explain in detail what you need help with.

  2. Tell us what browser/desktop app/OS/runtime you're using.

  3. Include a screenshot, video, code snippet, or a .rev backup file.

For help with your account or billing questions, please contact us here.

0 replies
6h ago

My SVGs won't finish importing

As you read, they stay in a charging state indefinitely, no matter how much time passes... what can I do?

0 replies
18h ago

can’t move an object because a white border appears

Hello! I have a problem - when I try to move an object, a white border appears on the left, beyond which I do not see changes to the object. What caused it and how can I remove it? Ps. I applied stroke to the object

2 replies
18h ago

Licensing for Personal Account


Just wondering about any potential licensing limitations when using a personal account. e.g. are animations created on a personal account licensed for commercial use?

0 replies
20h ago

Use C++ API to modify Path's collection of vertices?

Is it possible to add/remove vertices from a path (i.e. rive::Path::m_Vertices), using the C++ API or other mechanism?
I am able to build and run the player test code:

I see the how rive::File is imported, and I am able to iterate through the artboard dependents() hierarchy. Is there a way to access a modifiable hierarchy? Or is this proprietary to the Rive editor?

0 replies
1d ago

Is there a smarter way to organise this?

In this example, the four images each have a hover animation, and then each will have a click action that launches a URL. My flowchart is getting a bit messy, and I'm wondering if there's a smarter way to do this?

The bottom screenshot is from "Idle Expand" (the hub of the spider).


3 replies
3d ago

Designing Login/Signup UI with Rive Animations

Hey everyone! I'm currently working on the front-end animation for my app using Rive, and I’ve reached the stage where I need to design the UI for the login and signup screens. I'm wondering about the best way to handle this:

Should I create a separate Rive file specifically for the login/signup animations, or should I add more timelines to my existing UI Rive file?

Would love to hear your recommendations or any tips based on your experience with Rive. Thanks in advance!

2 replies
3d ago

How to enable discreate GPU rendering

Hello, sorry about this question, but I am new to Rive and could not figure it out independently. I am currently using Rive for some basic animations; however, when I go to render them, they take quite a while. This surprised me as I have a pretty good GPU in my rig; however, after checking Task Manager, I noticed that Rive only uses integrated graphics even after I changed the Windows power profile. Could someone please help me understand how to getRivee to use my Graphics card for rendering instead of my CPU? Thanks for the help.

1 reply
3d ago

Rive causing site to crash on mobile

I add a rive animation that contains a sequence of images, it works on desktop but for some reason crashes browsers on mobile, from what i can tell it seems to trigger a safeguard of the browser, is there a way to fix this?

here is a link to the site

1 reply
3d ago

time machine changes keyframes

Hi guys, I really need your help! Please explain what the error could be:(

What I need: a smoothly appearing animation of a writing hand

Timeline 2 - static frames of a hand, only the transparency of the hand changes (from 0 to 100)

Timeline 1 - the hand draws in the air

My sequence = Entry --> Timeline 2 (smooth appearance of the hand) --- > Timeline 1 (hand draws)

What happens:

Rive ignores timeline 2, does not show the smoothly appearing transparency, but brings it to the middle.

Plus, it starts the animation not from the keyframe from timeline 2, but from the frame of the design mode. Although I need to start the animation from frames from timeline 2

Please explain what my mistakes are and how this can be fixed? I will be very grateful. I made the animation slow to make it clearer

3 replies
5d ago

Clip on Artboard

The Clip Artboard is now tucked away in the corner. It used to have a label with a checkbox. This newer method, while cleaner, isn't as direct as the previous method.

I have to now hover in order to see the label.

0 replies
5d ago

Finding all text runs without prior knowledge of the names

Is there any way in which either from within the editor or in the runtime that the list of all text runs could be exposed as a list somehow. I wish to create a dashboard where I can link text runs with other variables in a generic way without having to track them explicitly.

1 reply
6d ago

Sample App Crash on Android

I created a Rive Animation with a PNG Sequence. The size of the file is less than 10 MB. The Android Sample App seems to be crashing when I open the animation. Other .riv files less than 10 MB with images and very simple tap interactions seem to be working. The image files are also in WebP format.

I'm opening these on the Sample App given by Rive. Tested on multiple devices. Same issue.

Please help. Thank you

3 replies
6d ago

Unreal click events not working

Hi, Just wondering if anyone has any info on setting up mouse clicks within Unreal (5.3.2). I have hover working on my Rive elements but mouse clicking isn't.

I have a Blueprint actor with the Rive widget inside, Receive Hardware Input enabled, and set to receive inputs from Player0.

I have a custom player controller set to receive click and hover events.

Clicking is working within Rive itself, so assume it's not a state machine issue.

The larger context is adding rive labels that can be interacted with in the 3D space.

Any help would be much appreciated!



6 replies
7d ago

How to animate with Gyroscope?

How do I set up the Animation in Rive so that I can use the phone's Gyroscope in Android and iPhones? Is there any documentation I can look at? Do I need to set up and Bones or Inputs?

5 replies
7d ago

Reporting nested event

I have a button with an URL event that is nested and want to know if there is a way to report the URL event on the nested composition. I have the url event on artboard A (cause the event fire once the button animation is done), witch is nested into B, and B is nested into C, is there a way to trigger it from the C artboard after pressing the button?

3 replies