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1mo ago

Events in joystick driven timeline

Hello here,

I have a setup with a joystick driven timeline containing a solo and a UI progress indicator.
I am trying to trigger an event at the end of the timeline to signal completion however it's not working. When I play the timeline (named screw) alone, everything is ok, the event completion gets triggered on the last frame. But when i play from the animation state, with the timeline begin driven by the joystick, the event never gets triggered.
Is this normal behaviour and is there a way I could go around it to detect when the screwing timeline has reached the last frame (aka when the joystick reaches the end) ?
Thanks for any tips on this / help

1 MB
2 replies
25d ago

Events not firing on a joystick is expected behavior.

I think the best way to get this even to fire is with another animation that plays once you drag the ellipse to the end. Then you'll be able to report that event on the transition.

(edited) 24d ago

Hi Robert !
Thanks for your reply. Do you mind providing a bit of extra details on how to achieve a new animation playing once I drag the ellipse to the end ? I mean I could see how to do this in code detecting the position of the mouse on dragEnd to see if it's passed a certain threshold but maybe there is a way to do this in Rive ?