
The Fill section of the Inspector allows you to add and modify the fill properties of the currently selected object. You can create as many fills as you like.

Fill type

You can apply different fill types to shapes. These include:

  • Solid
  • Linear gradient
  • Radial gradient

Fill rule

The Fill Rule determines how overlapping paths in a shape will be filled:

  • Non-Zero fills the entire shape, including any overlapping paths.
  • Even-Odd does not fill the holes in overlapping paths.


You can apply different stroke types to shapes. These include:

  • Solid
  • Linear gradient
  • Radial gradient


The Cap option determines how the endpoints of strokes with open paths should be rendered.

  • Butt The end of the stroke is a straight line and does not extend beyond the end vertices. On a zero-length path, the stroke will not be rendered at all.
  • Round The ends of a stroke are rounded. On a zero-length path, the stroke is a full circle.
  • Square The ends of a stroke are squared off and extend beyond the end vertices. On a zero-length path, the stroke is a square.


The Join option determines how the corners of paths should be rendered.

  • Round creates a rounded corner.
  • Bevel creates a beveled corner.
  • Miter creates a mitered corner.