The Rive Apple runtime has a different API in 2.x.x from 1.x.x that allows for a unified internal model that supports both Storyboard/UIKit and SwiftUI usage.

There are now 3 main pieces of the Rive API to be familiar with for iOS development:

  • RiveView - Core logic for building and manipulating Rive views
  • RiveModel - Describes the configuration model for Rive objects
  • RiveViewModel - The main class to interface with when integrating rive, creating a Rive view in some instances. It provides a high-level API that makes it simple to do actions like instantiation, animation playback, layout changes, and more.

We recommend migrating to the latest version of v2.x.x as soon as possible, and you can find steps on this below:


In v1.x.x, you may have loaded in a Rive file in the following snippet pattern:

class SimpleAnimationViewController: UIViewController {
    let url = ""

    override public func loadView() {

        let view = RiveView()
        guard let riveFile = RiveFile(httpUrl: url, with: view) else {
            fatalError("Unable to load RiveFile")
        try? view.configure(riveFile)

        self.view = view

This pattern interfaced with 2 Rive APIs, RiveFile and RiveView. With v2.x.x, the pattern becomes simpler, interfacing with one RiveViewModel.

class SimpleAnimationViewController: UIViewController {
    var viewModel = RiveViewModel(fileName: "truck")
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        let riveView = viewModel.createRiveView()
        riveView.frame = view.frame

Here’s another example:

class MultipleAnimationsController: UIViewController, RivePLayerDelegate {
    @IBOutlet weak var riveView: RiveView!
    var viewModel = RiveViewModel(
        fileName: "multiple_animations", 
        animationName: "Animation 1", 
        artboardName: "Animation Playground"
    override func viewDidLoad() {

See subsequent runtime pages for new usage of animation playback and layouts with UIKit.

State Machine Usage

In v1.x.x, you would set state machine input values with the following API: riveView.setNumberState("Number Test", inputName: "Level", value: 2.0)

riveView.setBooleanState("Boolean Test", inputName: "isSuccess", value: true)

riveView.fireState("Trigger Test", inputName: "trigFail")

In v2.x.x, some of the input state setters have been consolidated and renamed. Additionally, the setters are called on the RiveViewModel which has the context of the state machine that was instantiated, so there is no longer a need to pass it the name: viewModel.setInput("Level", value: 2.0)

viewModel.setInput("isSuccess", value: true)



In the past, you may have implemented various functions that came with some of the following delegates: LoopDelegate , PlayDelegate, PauseDelegate, StopDelegate, and StateChangeDelegate. The various functions that get implemented on your end (i.e loop, play, pause, stateChange, etc.) have been consolidated under 2 main delegates, RivePlayerDelegate and RiveStateMachineDelegate with a slightly different function to override.

See the following list of delegates for methods to hook into:

  • RivePlayerDelegate - Hook into animation and state machine lifecycle events
    • player: (loopedWithModel riveModel: RiveModel?, type: Int) {}
    • player: (playedWithModel riveModel: RiveModel?) {}
    • player: (pausedWithModel riveModel: RiveModel?) {}
    • player: (stoppedWithModel riveModel: RiveModel?) {}
  • RiveStateDelegate - Hook into state changes on a state machine lifecycle
    • stateChange: (_ stateMachineName: String, _ stateName: String) {}


v1.x.x had a small wrapper around the existing RiveView class to help support Rive in the context of applications written in SwiftUI. v2.x.x now supports a more robust pattern for consuming Rive in your SwiftUI applications that fixes several bugs with the existing wrapper approach and provides a closer experience with the new pattern of SwiftUI.

See subsequent runtime pages to learn how to control animation playback, state machines, and more with v2.x.x

struct AnimationView: View {
    var body: some View {
        RiveViewModel(fileName: "cool_rive_animation").view()