For more information on Rive Events see the respective runtime and editor documentation.

Accessing Events

The following code demonstrates accessing all Rive events reported from an active state machine.

With a reference to the Rive Widget, you can subscribe to the OnRiveEventReported event in your scripts:


private void OnEnable()
    m_riveWidget.OnRiveEventReported += HandleRiveEventReported;

private void OnDisable()
    m_riveWidget.OnRiveEventReported -= HandleRiveEventReported;

Let’s look at a code snippet for a star-rating Rive file. If a reported event’s name is Star, the rating property of type float and a message of type string are retrieved from the event data (custom properties).

private void HandleRiveEventReported(ReportedEvent reportedEvent)
    Debug.Log($"Event received, name: \"{reportedEvent.Name}\", secondsDelay: {reportedEvent.SecondsDelay}");
    if (reportedEvent.Name == "Star")
           // You can access properties directly and cast them
           if (evt.Properties.TryGetValue("rating", out object rating))
               float ratingValue = (float)rating;
               Debug.Log($"Rating: {ratingValue}");

           if (evt.Properties.TryGetValue("message", out object message))
               string messageValue = message as string;
               Debug.Log($"Message: {messageValue}");

            // For Typesafe access to properties, use the TryGet* methods
            for (uint i = 0; i < evt.PropertyCount; i++)
                ReportedEvent.Property property = evt.GetProperty(i);

                if (property.Name == "rating" && property.TryGetNumber(out string ratingValue))
                    Debug.Log($"Rating: {ratingValue}");
                else if (property.Name == "message" && property.TryGetString(out string messageValue))
                    Debug.Log($"Message: {messageValue}");



  • Properties that can be read are bool, string, and float.
  • Access a dictionary of all properties with: reportedEvent.Properties.

Additional Resources

For a complete example see the getting-started project in the examples repository and open the EventsScene scene.