You can dynamically swap assets in your Rive animations at runtime using the CustomAssetLoaderCallback. This lets you change fonts, images, or audio files while your Rive file is playing, making it possible to create dynamic visuals.

Setting Up Asset Loading

To swap assets at runtime, provide a callback when loading your Rive file:

File.Load(Asset asset, CustomAssetLoaderCallback customAssetLoaderCallback);
File.Load(TextAsset asset, CustomAssetLoaderCallback customAssetLoaderCallback);
File.Load(byte[] riveFileByteContents, CustomAssetLoaderCallback customAssetLoaderCallback);

Your callback will be invoked whenever the runtime needs to load an asset. The callback should return true if you’ve handled the asset loading, or false to let the runtime handle it using the default loading behavior.

Here’s an example showing how you might swap a font at runtime:

private FontOutOfBandAsset m_fontOobAsset;
private File m_file;
FontEmbeddedAssetReference fontEmbeddedAssetReference

private bool OobAssetLoaderDelegate(EmbeddedAssetReference assetReference)
    // Keep a reference to the fontEmbeddedAssetReference so we can update the font again later
    fontEmbeddedAssetReference = assetReference as FontEmbeddedAssetReference;
    if (fontEmbeddedAssetReference != null)
        return true;
    return false;

private void Start()
    m_file = Rive.File.Load(asset, OobAssetLoaderDelegate);

    // You could call fontEmbeddedAssetReference.SetFont() here again to change the font

private void OnDestroy()

Asset Types

You can swap these types of assets at runtime:

  • FontOutOfBandAsset: For font files
  • ImageOutOfBandAsset: For image files
  • AudioOutOfBandAsset: For audio files

Asset Reference Types

When handling assets in your callback, you’ll need to check the type of the EmbeddedAssetReference before setting the asset. Each asset type has its own reference class with specific setter methods:

private bool AssetLoaderDelegate(EmbeddedAssetReference assetReference)
    // Handle font assets
    if (assetReference is FontEmbeddedAssetReference fontReference)
        return true;
    // Handle image assets
    if (assetReference is ImageEmbeddedAssetReference imageReference)
        return true;
    // Handle audio assets
    if (assetReference is AudioEmbeddedAssetReference audioReference)
        return true;
    return false;

Memory Management

When working with runtime asset swapping, we recommend following these best practices:

  1. Always call Load() on your Out-Of-Band asset before using it in the callback
  2. Dispose of resources properly:
    • Call Unload() on your assets when they’re no longer needed
    • Call Dispose() on the Rive file when you’re done with it