Reading and modifying text at runtime.
For more information on designing and animating Text, please refer to the editor's text section:
Please ensure you're on the correct runtime version with support for Rive Text; see
Read/Update Text Runs at Runtime
If you intend to update a text run at runtime it's important to manually enter a unique name for the run in the editor:
And then export the name: right-click and select Export name
You can identify an exported component if it's surrounded by square brackets. This makes it possible for the run to be "discoverable" at runtime by its name. For more information, see
If the name is not set manually in the editor the name will not be part of the exported .riv (to reduce file size).
Text runs can also be updated on nested artboards at runtime, see Read / Update Nested Text Runs at Runtime below.
Reading Text via RiveAnimationView
To read a given text run text value at any given time, reference the .getTextRunValue()
API on the RiveAnimationView
fun getTextRunValue(textRunName: String): String? = try
Supply the text run name and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or null
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text via RiveAnimationView
To set a given text run value at any given time, reference the .setTextRunValue()
API on the RiveAnimationView
fun setTextRunValue(textRunName: String, textValue: String)
Supply the text run name and a second parameter, textValue
, with a String value that you want to set the new text value for.
If the supplied textRunName
Rive text run cannot be queried on the active artboard, Rive will throw a RiveException
that you may need to catch and handle gracefully in your application.
Reference to Rive TextRun
You can also choose to query the active Artboard for the Rive text run reference and get/set a text property manually.
private val textRun by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { yourRiveAnimationView.artboardRenderer?.activeArtboard?.textRun("name") }
Example Usage
import android.os.Bundle import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.util.Log import android.widget.EditText import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity import app.rive.runtime.kotlin.RiveAnimationView class DynamicTextActivity : AppCompatActivity(), TextWatcher { private val animationView by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { findViewById<RiveAnimationView>(R.id.dynamic_text) } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.dynamic_text) val editText = findViewById<EditText>(R.id.text_run_value) editText.addTextChangedListener(this) } override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) { // get the current value of the reference animationView.getTextRunValue("name") } override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { // update the reference animationView.setTextRunValue("name", s.toString()) } }
Reading Text
To read a given text run text value at any given time, reference the .getTextRunValue()
API on the RiveViewModel
open func getTextRunValue(_ textRunName: String) -> String?
Supply the text run name and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or nil
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text
To set a given text run value at any given time, reference the .setTextRunValue()
API on the RiveViewModel
open func setTextRunValue(_ textRunName: String, textValue: String) throws
Supply the text run name and a second parameter, textValue
, with a String value that you want to set the new text value for.
If the supplied textRunName
Rive text run cannot be queried on the active artboard, Rive will throw a RiveError.textValueRunError
that you may need to catch and handle gracefully in your application.
Example Usage
@State private var userInput: String = "" @State private var rvm = RiveViewModel(fileName: "my-rive-file") var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 20) { Text("Enter text:") .font(.headline) TextField("Enter text...", text: $userInput) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() .onChange(of: userInput, perform: { newValue in if (!newValue.isEmpty) { try! rvm.setTextRunValue("MyTextRunName", textValue: userInput) } }) rvm.view() } }
Find the TextValueRun
component with a given name on a Rive Artboard
and update the text value.
To make this more convenient you can create an extension.
extension _TextExtension on Artboard { TextValueRun? textRun(String name) => component<TextValueRun>(name); }
Get a reference to the Artboard
, find the text run named "MyRun", and update the text value:
RiveAnimation.asset( 'assets/hello_world_text.riv', animations: const ['Timeline 1'], onInit: (artboard) { final textRun = artboard.textRun('MyRun')!; // find text run named "MyRun" print('Run text used to be ${textRun.text}'); textRun.text = 'Hi Flutter Runtime!'; }, )
Or get a reference to the artboard by calling: riveFile.mainArtboard
, see
Setting Text via Rive Ref
To set a given text run value at any given time, reference the .setTextRunValue()
API on the Rive ref
setTextRunValue: (textRunName: string, value: string) => void;
Supply the text run name and a second parameter, textValue
, with a String value that you want to set the new text value for.
Example Usage
export default function DynamicText() { const riveRef = useRef<RiveRef>(null); const handleInputChange = (e: string) => { // Set the TextRun value of the 'name' TextRun // The name must exist else an error will be thrown riveRef.current?.setTextRunValue('name', e); }; return ( <SafeAreaView style={styles.safeAreaViewContainer}> <ScrollView> <Rive ref={riveRef} resourceName="hello_world_text" stateMachineName="State Machine 1" /> <TextInput onChangeText={handleInputChange} defaultValue="world" /> </ScrollView> </SafeAreaView> ); }
Updating Text at Runtime - Localization example
High-level API usage
Reading Text
To read a given text run text value at any given time, reference the .getTextRunValue()
API on the Rive instance:
public getTextRunValue(textRunName: string): string | undefined
Supply the text run name, and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or undefined
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text
To set a given text run value at any given time, reference the .setTextRunValue()
API on the Rive instance:
public setTextRunValue(textRunName: string, textRunValue: string): void
Supply the text run name and a second parameter, textValue
, with a String value that you want to set the new text value for if the text run can be successfully queried on the active artboard.
Example Usage
import {Rive} from '@rive-app/canvas' const r = new Rive({ src: "my-rive-file.riv" artboard: "my-artboard-name", autoplay: true, stateMachines: "State Machine 1", onLoad: () => { console.log("My design-time text is, ", r.getTextRunValue("MyRun")); r.setTextRunValue("MyRun", "New text value"); }, })
Low-level API usage
Get a reference to the Rive Artboard
, find a text run by a given name, and get/update the text value property.
import RiveCanvas from '@rive-app/canvas-advanced'; const bytes = await ( await fetch(new Request('./my-rive-file.riv')) ).arrayBuffer(); const myRiveFile = await rive.load(new Uint8Array(bytes)); const artboard = myRiveFile.defaultArtboard(); const textRun = artboard.textRun("MyRun"); // Query by the text run name console.log(`My design-time text is ${textRun.text}`); textRun.text = "Hello JS Runtime!"; ...
Updating Text at Runtime - Localization example
Reading Text
To read a given text run text value at any given time, reference the .getTextRunValue()
API on the rive
instance returned from useRive
public getTextRunValue(textRunName: string): string | undefined
Supply the text run name, and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or undefined
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text
To set a given text run value at any given time, reference the .setTextRunValue()
API on the rive
instance returned from useRive
public setTextRunValue(textRunName: string, textRunValue: string): void
Supply the text run name and a second parameter, textValue
, with a String value that you want to set the new text value for if the text run can be successfully queried on the active artboard.
Example Usage
import { useRive } from '@rive-app/canvas'; const MyTextComponent = () => { const {rive, RiveComponent} = useRive({ src: "my-rive-file.riv", artboard: "New Artboard", stateMachines: "State Machine 1", autoplay: true, }); // Cannot query for the text run immediately, you have to wait until `rive` // has value and has instantiated before querying or setting text run values useEffect(() => { if (rive) { console.log("Rive text was initially: ", rive.getTextRunValue("MyRun")); rive.setTextRunValue("MyRun", "New Text!!"); console.log("Rive text is now: ", rive.getTextRunValue("MyRun"); } }, [rive]); return ( <RiveComponent /> ); };
Read/Update Nested Text Runs at Runtime
It's possible to set nested text runs at runtime—text that is not on the main artboard but on a nested artboard. See
For example, to get/set the text run named button_text on the Button artboard, you need to provide the correct path.
The artboard names here are:
Main -> NestedArtboard -> Button
However, the path is determined based on the names set in the hierarchy:
ArtboardWithUniqueName -> ButtonWithUniqueName
The path is then: ArtboardWithUniqueName/ButtonWithUniqueName
Be sure to mark the nested artboards and text runs as exported.
Do not use "/" in the name for your components, as that will break the search functionality at runtime.
To set the button_text
text run value on the nested button artboard, the code snippet would look like this for the example above:
m_file = Rive.File.Load(asset); m_artboard = m_file.Artboard(0); // Set a nested text run value m_artboard.SetTextRunValueAtPath("button_text", "ArtboardWithUniqueName/ButtonWithUniqueName", "Click Me!"); // Get a nested text run value string buttonText = m_artboard.GetTextRunValueAtPath("button_text", "ArtboardWithUniqueName/ButtonWithUniqueName");
API Methods:
void SetTextRunValueAtPath(string runName, string path, string value)
string GetTextRunValueAtPath(string runName, string path)
These methods allow you to interact with nested text runs by specifying the run name and the path within the artboard hierarchy. With this approach, you can access deeper nested text runs by continuing to construct the path, for example: "Artboard-Nested-Level1/Arboard-Nested-Level2/Artboard-Nested-Level3"
, and so on.
Reading Text via RiveAnimationView
To read a given text run text value at any given time, reference the .getTextRunValue()
API on the RiveAnimationView
fun getTextRunValue(textRunName: String, path: String): String? = try
Supply the text run name and the path to where it exists and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or null
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text via RiveAnimationView
To set a given text run value at any given time, reference the .setTextRunValue()
API on the RiveAnimationView
fun setTextRunValue(textRunName: String, textValue: String, path: String)
Supply the text run name, a second parameter, textValue
, with a String value that you want to set the new text value for, and the path
value to where the text run exists at an artboard level.
If the supplied textRunName
Rive text run cannot be queried on the active artboard, Rive will throw a RiveException
that you may need to catch and handle gracefully in your application.
Reference to Rive TextRun
You can also choose to query the active Artboard for the Rive text run reference and get/set a text property manually.
private val textRun by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { yourRiveAnimationView.artboardRenderer?.activeArtboard?.textRun("name", "path/to/artboard") }
Reading Text
Similar to reading text from a text run within a parent artboard, you can set the value of a text run within a nested artboard using the following API:
open func getTextRunValue(_ textRunName: String, path: String) -> String?
Setting Text
Additionally, similar to setting text within a parent artboard, you can read the value of a text run within a nested artboard using the following API:
open func setTextRunValue(_ textRunName: String, textValue: String, path: String) throws
@State private var userInput: String = "" @State private var rvm = RiveViewModel(fileName: "my-rive-file") var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 20) { Text("Enter text:") .font(.headline) TextField("Enter text...", text: $userInput) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() .onChange(of: userInput, perform: { newValue in if (!newValue.isEmpty) { try! rvm.setTextRunValue("MyTextRunName", textValue: userInput, path: "Artboard/NestedArtboard") } }) rvm.view() } }
Updating Nested Text at Runtime - Localization example
High-level API usage
Reading Text
To read a given text run text value at a specific path, reference the .getTextRunValueAtPath()
API on the Rive instance:
public getTextRunValueAtPath(textRunName: string, path: string): string | undefined
Supply the text run name and the path where it is located, and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or undefined
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text
To set a given text run value at a specific path, reference the .setTextRunValueAtPath()
API on the Rive instance:
public setTextRunValueAtPath(textRunName: string, textRunValue: string, path: string): void
Supply the textRunName
, the new textValue
, and the path
where the run is located at a nested artboard level.
Example Usage
import {Rive} from '@rive-app/canvas' const r = new Rive({ src: "my-rive-file.riv" artboard: "my-artboard-name", autoplay: true, stateMachines: "State Machine 1", onLoad: () => { console.log("My design-time text is, ", r.getTextRunValueAtPath("MyRun", "path/to/run")); r.setTextRunValueAtPath("MyRun", "New text value", "path/to/run"); }, })
Updating Nested Text at Runtime - Localization example
Reading Text
To read a given text run text value at a specific path, reference the .getTextRunValueAtPath()
API on the rive
instance returned from useRive
public getTextRunValueAtPath(textRunName: string, path: string): string | undefined
Supply the text run name and the path, and you'll have the Rive text run value returned, or undefined
if the text run could not be queried.
Setting Text
To set a given text run value at a specific path, reference the .setTextRunValueAtPath()
API on the rive
instance returned from useRive
public setTextRunValueAtPath(textRunName: string, textRunValue: string, path: string): void
Supply the textRunName
, the new textRunValue
, and the nested artboard path
where it is located.
Example Usage
import { useRive } from '@rive-app/canvas'; const MyTextComponent = () => { const {rive, RiveComponent} = useRive({ src: "my-rive-file.riv", artboard: "New Artboard", stateMachines: "State Machine 1", autoplay: true, }); // Cannot query for the text run immediately, you have to wait until `rive` // has value and has instantiated before querying or setting text run values useEffect(() => { if (rive) { console.log("Rive text was initially: ", rive.getTextRunValueAtPath("MyRun", "path/to/run")); rive.setTextRunValueAtPath("MyRun", "New Text!!", "path/to/run"); console.log("Rive text is now: ", rive.getTextRunValue("MyRun, "path/to/run"); } }, [rive]); return ( <RiveComponent /> ); };
Semantics for Accessibility
As Rive Text does not make use of the underlying platform text APIs, additional steps need to be taken to ensure it can be read by screen readers.
The following code snippets provide guidance on how to add semantic labels to your Rive animations. Please see the respective platform/SDKs developer documentation for additional information regarding accessibility concerns.
See Flutter's documentation on Accessibility for more information. In this example you'll use the Semantics widget to provide a label that reflects the current value of the Rive Text component.
... String semanticLabel = ''; ... Semantics( label: semanticLabel, child: RiveAnimation.asset( 'assets/hello_world_text.riv', animations: const ['Timeline 1'], onInit: (artboard) { final run = artboard.component<TextValueRun>("MyRun"); setState(() { // Calling setState is needed to ensure the Semantics widget // rebuilds with the new value. semanticLabel = run?.text ?? ""; }); }, ), ), ```
Or you can read the .riv
file yourself and instance the artboard, see Alternative Widget Setup.
Adding ARIA Label
At a minimum - if it is important to convey the text value displayed in the Rive animation to all users, add an aria-label
to the <canvas>
element with the text value from the animation. Screen readers may read this label out immediately as it parses out the DOM contents. You'll also want to add role="img"
to the <canvas>
element as well.
<canvas id="rive-canvas" width={500} height={500} role="img" aria-label="Hello friend, welcome to my page" ></canvas>
Adding ARIA Live Region
While ARIA labels are a direct method to manage a textual label for screen readers to read out as it parses web content, using an ARIA live region allows you a way to control when screen readers read out dynamic text content.
Live regions are useful in cases where the text content in your Rive graphic becomes visible or changes on a particular state in a state machine, and you want screen readers to pick up on text changes. Another use case is when you only want screen readers to read your Rive text content when the <canvas>
is scrolled into view.
Read more on ARIA live regions here.
Example: Rating Graphic
To try this example out, visit this CodeSandbox link
Imagine you're displaying an interactive Rive graphic that allows users to choose a rating from 1-5 stars. Users clicking on the different stars can visually see the state machine in action with animations to see what star they click, but screen readers may need a way to announce what selection was chosen as other users navigate the canvas with keyboard controls, for example.
The HTML for this might look like the following:
<canvas role="img" tabindex="0" aria-describedby="rating-animation-live" id="canvas" ></canvas> <p id="rating-animation-live" class="sr-only" aria-live="assertive"> An interactive rating simulation. Use the left and right arrow keys to select a rating </p>
Note that the <canvas>
element has an aria-describedby
attribute whose value matches the id
of the <p>
below it, #rating-animation-live
. This allows the <p>
block content to describe the <canvas>
element. And similar to using aria-label
, we have to add the role="img"
attribute to the canvas as well. The aria-live="assertive"
attribute describes how to interrupt the screen reader's flow of reading content based on when the content within this <p>
Let's take a look at what the JS might look like using the Rive Web (JS) runtime:
const rive = require("@rive-app/canvas"); const dynamicTextEl = document.getElementById("rating-animation-live"); const r = new rive.Rive({ src: "rating.riv", canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"), stateMachines: "State Machine 1", autoplay: true, onLoad: () => { r.setTextRunValue("RatingRun", "0"); r.resizeDrawingSurfaceToCanvas(); // See CodeSandbox link above for further functionality }, onStateChange: (e) => { const name = e.data[0]; const ratingStr = name.charAt(0); const ratingNum = parseInt(ratingStr); if (!isNaN(ratingNum)) { const ratingString = name .split("_") .reduce((acc, temp) => { return (acc += ` ${temp}`); }, "") .trim(); r.setTextRunValue("RatingRun", ratingStr); dynamicTextEl.innerHTML = `Rating: ${ratingString}`; } } });
In the above snippet, we've created an instance of Rive, and as the state changes in the state machine, we're dynamically updating the contents of the live region (represented by dynamicTextEl
) with the string rating. Due to the live region having the property of aria-live="assertive"
, screen readers should read off the new dynamic text content.
Additional Resources:
Accesible web animations: ARIA live regions
Fallback Fonts
When drawing text, not all glyphs (characters) may be available, such as custom fonts that may not support multiple languages, or if your embedded fonts have been set to not contain all glyphs. In these cases, it may be best to have a font that is used when a missing glyph is encountered. Some platforms have support for fallback fonts, which allow the use of system fonts as fallbacks (which should contain most missing glyphs).
On iOS and Android, sizes are ignored; instead, supplied fonts are used to render glyphs that match the styling and animation of a text run at runtime.
As of v9.12.0, various options for fallback fonts can be used on Android.
If no fallback fonts are registered, a default system font ("sans-serif") with a regular weight (400, NORMAL) and normal style will be used.
The Fonts
class provides ways to handle and customize fonts, including retrieving system fonts, defining font options, and finding fallback fonts based on specific characteristics.
1. Setting a Fallback Font
With v9.12.0, the runtime provides a new API to match missing fonts against a specific weight by extending the FontFallbackStrategy
This interface contains a single method:
fun getFont(weight: Fonts.Weight): List<FontBytes>
Implementers need to override this method. The user's implementation must then be set as the current fallback strategy via FontFallbackStrategy.stylePicker
class FontFallback : AppCompatActivity(), FontFallbackStrategy { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // Set the fallback strategy FontFallbackStrategy.stylePicker = this } override fun getFont(weight: Fonts.Weight): List<FontBytes> { val desiredWeight = weight.weight val fonts = listOf( Fonts.FontOpts( familyName = "sans-serif", weight = Fonts.Weight(weight = desiredWeight) // Find a matching weight font ), // Non-Latin Unicode fallback Fonts.FontOpts("NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf") ) return fonts.mapNotNull { // Filter out fonts that cannot be found on the system FontHelper.getFallbackFontBytes(it) } } }
The method returns a list of FontBytes
(`ByteArray`). The runtime attempts to match the character using the fonts in the list in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order.
Fallback fonts can also be set using Rive.setFallbackFont()
, with optional font preferences defined in Fonts.FontOpts
. These fonts are tried only after attempting the ones returned by FontFallbackStrategy.getFont()
2. Font.FontOpts
- Font Options
Defines the font characteristics when selecting a fallback font.
: Name of the font family (e.g., "Roboto", "NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf"). Defaults tonull
: Optional language specification. Defaults tonull
: Font weight usingFonts.Weight
). Default isWeight.NORMAL
: Font style, eitherFonts.Font.STYLE_NORMAL
. Default isSTYLE_NORMAL
Default example
val defaultFontOpts = Fonts.FontOpts.DEFAULT
3. Retrieving a Fallback Font
Use FontHelper.getFallbackFont()
to find a suitable fallback font based on specified options. Returns a Fonts.Font
object or null
if no match is found.
val fontOpts = Fonts.FontOpts(familyName = "Roboto", weight = Fonts.Weight.BOLD) val fallbackFont = FontHelper.getFallbackFont(fontOpts)
4. Getting Font File and Bytes
FontHelper.getFontFile(font: Fonts.Font)
: Retrieves the file for the specified font.FontHelper.getFontBytes(font: Fonts.Font)
: Reads the font file and returns its bytes.
val fontFile = FontHelper.getFontFile(fallbackFont) val fontBytes = FontHelper.getFontBytes(fallbackFont)
5. Fonts.Weight
- Font Weight
Represents the font weight, allowing values from 0 to 1000.
Predefined Weights
val normalWeight = Fonts.Weight.NORMAL val customWeight = Fonts.Weight.fromInt(500)
6. Fonts.Style
- Font Style
Represents the font style, allowing "normal" and "italic"
Predefined Styles
val normalStyle = Fonts.Font.STYLE_NORMAL val italicStyle = Fonts.Font.STYLE_ITALIC
7. Getting System Fonts
: Returns a map of all available system font families.
val systemFonts = FontHelper.getSystemFonts()
As of v6.1, on iOS and macOS, various options for fallbacks can be used. The Apple runtime provides helpers for selecting system fonts based on requested styling. Additionally, UIFonts / NSFonts can be used directly.
A default system font of regular weight and width will be used if no fallbacks have been registered.
// Early in your app lifecycle, call something similar to the following: RiveFont.fallbackFonts = [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(), // Use a default system font RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(design: .default, weight: .bold, width: .expanded), // Use a bold, expanded system font UIFont(name: "...", size: 20)! ] // Alternatively, you can supply different fonts based on style at runtime
As of v6.4, on iOS and macOS, you can utilize a more dynamic callback-based API for returning various fonts depending on the style of any missing characters, as styled in a text run.
// As with the similar fallbackFonts API, you utilize Rive helper types // or native UIFont/NSFont types RiveFont.fallbackFontsCallback = { style in switch style.weight { case .thin: return [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(weight: .thin), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .thin) ] case .bold: return [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(weight: .bold), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .bold) ] default: return [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20) ] } } // Alternatively, you can use the raw weight to return various fonts as well RiveFont.fallbackFontsCallback = { style in switch style.rawWeight { case 100: return [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(weight: .thin), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .thin) ] case 700: return [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(weight: .bold), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .bold) ] default: return [ RiveFallbackFontDescriptor(), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20) ] } }