Enable listeners on your Rive animation in Unity
For more information on Rive Listeners see the editor documentation.
Pointer Positions
In rive-unity pointer (mouse/touch) events can be passed to an artboard to enable Rive Listeners. This is accomplished by translating the pointer position to an artboard's local coordinate.
For a complete example see the getting-started project in the examples repository and open a sample scenes:
DrawToCameraScene: Pointer events on a camera
DrawToCubeScene: Pointer events on a mesh
Camera Hit Test
See the DrawToCameraScene scene in the getting-started project from the example repository.
This code snippet demonstrates translating mouse position on the camera to an artboard.
private Artboard m_artboard; private StateMachine m_stateMachine; ... Camera camera = gameObject.GetComponent<Camera>(); if (camera != null) { Vector3 mousePos = camera.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition); Vector2 mouseRiveScreenPos = new Vector2( mousePos.x * camera.pixelWidth, (1 - mousePos.y) * camera.pixelHeight ); if (m_artboard != null && m_lastMousePosition != mouseRiveScreenPos) { Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate( mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight), fit, alignment ); m_stateMachine?.PointerMove(local); m_lastMousePosition = mouseRiveScreenPos; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate( mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight), fit, alignment ); m_stateMachine?.PointerDown(local); m_wasMouseDown = true; } else if (m_wasMouseDown) { m_wasMouseDown = false; Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate( mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight), fit, alignment ); m_stateMachine?.PointerUp(local); } }
Mesh Hit Test
See the DrawToCubeScene scene in the getting-started project from the example repository
This code snippet demonstrates translating a RaycastHit on an object to an artboard's local coordinates.
The GameObject must have a MeshCollider attached.
void HitTesting() { Camera camera = Camera.main; if (camera == null || renderTexture == null || m_artboard == null) return; if (!Physics.Raycast(camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out RaycastHit hit)) return; Renderer rend = hit.transform.GetComponent<Renderer>(); MeshCollider meshCollider = hit.collider as MeshCollider; if (rend == null || rend.sharedMaterial == null || rend.sharedMaterial.mainTexture == null || meshCollider == null) return; Vector2 pixelUV = hit.textureCoord; pixelUV.x *= renderTexture.width; pixelUV.y *= renderTexture.height; Vector3 mousePos = camera.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition); Vector2 mouseRiveScreenPos = new(mousePos.x * camera.pixelWidth, (1 - mousePos.y) * camera.pixelHeight); if (m_lastMousePosition != mouseRiveScreenPos || transform.hasChanged) { Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate(pixelUV, new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), fit, alignment); m_stateMachine?.PointerMove(local); m_lastMousePosition = mouseRiveScreenPos; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate(pixelUV, new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), fit, alignment); m_stateMachine?.PointerDown(local); m_wasMouseDown = true; } else if (m_wasMouseDown) { m_wasMouseDown = false; Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate(mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), fit, alignment); m_stateMachine?.PointerUp(local); } }