
  • Dependency Graph (toggle via D shortcut or the hierarchy’s right-click context menu).

  • Added “Preserve offset” option to Align Target in Listeners inputs panel.

  • Added new key shapes to the timeline to easily identify interpolation types.

Fixes and improvements

  • Attempting to delete an artboard object while in Animate mode when focused on a timeline will now display a confirmation alert.

  • Interpolation states should now be retained when duplicating state machine layers.

  • Added several new loading progress spinners to the file browser.

  • Added option to duplicate inputs in Inputs panel right-click context menu.

  • Set default sort order for Last Modified to Descending in file browser.

  • Restored missing scrollbar to file browser.

  • Disabled invalid right-click menu options for files in Trash.

  • Disabled right-click menu for files that have not completed the copy-pasting operation.

  • Automatically switch to the hierarchy when selecting an object from search.

  • Resolved issue with some files not opening from search results and removed files in Trash from search results.

  • Resolved crash when timeline duration is set to zero and then set to a duration shorter than the current work area.

  • Fixed issue with custom fonts not being displayed in Share links.

  • Clipping should now update immediately when adding a shape to a group (was previously requiring the file to be refreshed to apply the clipping change).

  • Resolved issue in which keys were inadvertently being added to the timeline when nested inputs were updated during playback.

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