
  • Blend 1D state is now linear by default with a new “Capture Base State” option in the Blend 1D settings (disable this option to use the previous additive blending).

  • Jump to a nested artboard: double-click on it or use the “Go to Artboard” option in the hierarchy and artboard right-click context menus.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fixed issue in which a row selected in a timeline was not correctly deselected when selecting keyframes in a different row (could lead to unexpected copy-paste behaviors).

  • Improved the user experience of the Share modal and the Post to Community modal for Enterprise users when these features are disabled by the team admin while team members are currently viewing them.

  • Enabled scrolling in all text fields in the Inspector.

  • Pointed Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Help, and Rive Guide links in the editor to the new Forum destinations.

  • Resolved inconsistent font rendering between the editor and share links with certain fonts (e.g., SF Pro Text) when a text run contained a carriage return.

  • Optimized file loading behavior in the editor by adding a limit to the number of assets that can be downloaded concurrently.

  • Fixed issue in which a listener on a group was being triggered multiple times which would lead to unexpected behavior in share links, etc.

  • Addressed issue in which transitions or Blend 1D states would freeze when non-numeric properties were keyframed.

  • Disabled super-secret Cmd/Ctrl+3 shortcut.

  • Resolved crash when copy-pasting Draw Order keyframes between timelines.

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