Rive Blog

Remixing in the Rive Community

Easily create a copy of any Rive Community file.


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Today we released the ability to remix files in the Rive Community. Tweak other users’ files, use them in your projects, or use remixing to learn from other creators’ techniques.

If you're new to Rive, remixing another designer's file is a great way to learn the basics.

How to Remix

Hit the Remix button on any file in the Rive Community to start working on your own version or save it to your account for later. Tweak it and publish it to your own site, app, or game in seconds using our Share Links (no-code) or our Runtimes (if you want to control things with code).

You can also share your remix back with the Community. Remixes give credit to the original creator, making it easy to see how artists have riffed and built upon each other’s work.

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