Scrolling comes to Rive in the form of two new constraints; one to add touch-based scrolling to overflowed content, and another to create a scroll bar. Both constraints work in conjunction with the existing layout components. We plan to provide generalised scrolling components for quicker setup in future.
Content Scrolling
To create a content scroll region, set up a hierarchy that includes:
- Scroll view - the Layout that defines the area that is the scroll region
- Scroll content - the Layout that contains the items to be scrolled (this is the Layout you will apply the Scroll Constraint to). The scroll amount will be determined by the size of this Layout. Typically you want to set this Layout to hug (or fixed)
- Scroll items - the Layout items to be scrolled
Select your Scroll content Layout and use the add action within the constraint inspector to add a Scroll Content constraint.
Once added, use the options fly-out to adjust the Scroll content properties.
Vertical - Only scrolls in the vertical direction
Horizontal - Only scrolls in the horizontal direction
All - Scrolls in both directions
Scroll Percent X/Y (Animatable)
This property allows you to set the percentage scroll of the content where 0% is scrolled to the top/left and 100% is scrolled to the bottom/right. This property works when the content is set to scroll in one or all directions and can be keyed on the timeline
Scroll Index (Animatable)
This property allows you to set the 0 based index of the Scroll item to scroll to. This only works when scroll is set to either Vertical or Horizontal and can be keyed on the timeline.
Elastic - An iOS style scroll with deceleration and rubber banding at the edges
Clamped - A basic drag and drop with no physics
When enabled, the scroll content will always settle with a whole item at the top/left of the scroll area.
Once you have applied your desired properties, switch to animate mode and start playback of a State Machine to preview the applied scroll constraint. You should be able to click/drag/release within the Scroll view area to manually control the scroll.
Creating a Scroll Bar
To create a content bar, set up a hierarchy that includes:
- Scroll Bar - the Layout that defines the area that is the scroll bar and track
- Scroll Thumb - the Layout that defines the draggable scroll thumb
To create a scroll bar, select a Layout Component acting as the scroll bar thumb. From the constraints inspector, add a Scroll Bar Thumb constraint.
Use the target button within the options panel to connect a scrolling Layout. As described in the Scrolling Content section above, this should be the Layout that your Scroll Constraint was applied to.
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