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Workspaces Reactivating a Canceled Team

Reactivating a Canceled Team

If you mistakenly create a NEW team instead of reactivating an existing team, contact us at and we can help you cancel the incorrect team.

We cannot move payments from one team to another team. We can only cancel the wrong team and refund you.

We cannot move files from one team to another for you. If you have files saved in the wrong team, please download your backup files (.rev files) BEFORE canceling your team. To generate a backup file, right-click on the file and select "Download backup." This generates a .rev file, a complete backup of your file.

To reactivate the correct team, you will need to go to your account page:

Partway down the page, you will see a section labeled “Teams.”

o the right of each team is a link that says “Manage Team.” If you select the link on the left that says “Create new Team,” you will create a NEW team and not upgrade an existing team.

You can own and be a member of multiple teams.

Its status is under each team name. A green Active status means this team is active. A red Suspended status means this team is canceled.

Click “Manage Team.” Each team has a display name and a username, which you can change.


f you have multiple teams with the same display name, check the username to see which one you want to reactivate. If you are uncertain which team you want to reactivate, contact us at and we can help you locate the correct team.

If you only have one team, then that is the team you want to reactivate.

Two links, "Reactivate Plan" and "Delete Team," are to the right in the Plan section.

Click "Reactivate Plan."

Now you are on the reactivation page. Since this plan has multiple people, you cannot choose the Pro plan. You must choose the Pro Team plan. You can see the billing if you choose a yearly plan (paid upfront for the year) or a monthly plan (paid every month). Whichever billing you select, you are given the total cost before you finalize the purchase.

Click "Confirm & Pay." Once the transaction is complete, you will be returned to the Team page and your team is now Active.