Dynamic text and images in Rive
Hello. I want to create a component that has text and a profile picture that appears and disappears with animation. I want to find a way to give this animation to the developer in a way that he can put his own text and profile picture on it. I actually want the picture and text to be dynamic in my motion. Is this possible?
Swapping images and runs is fairly simple to do in the code side but the method depends on your runtime. Keep in mind if you have these in a nested artboard, you have to right-click and export the name so it can be accessed in code.
Here's the article on replacing assets:
And here's one for runs:
There are plenty of code examples if you scroll down. Just select your platform.
What should I give the developer as output? Output .riv???
Yes, they just need the .riv file to accomplish what you need. They will also need to know the name of the graphic asset they need to replace and the name of the run.