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6d ago

Unreal click events not working

Hi, Just wondering if anyone has any info on setting up mouse clicks within Unreal (5.3.2). I have hover working on my Rive elements but mouse clicking isn't.

I have a Blueprint actor with the Rive widget inside, Receive Hardware Input enabled, and set to receive inputs from Player0.

I have a custom player controller set to receive click and hover events.

Clicking is working within Rive itself, so assume it's not a state machine issue.

The larger context is adding rive labels that can be interacted with in the 3D space.

Any help would be much appreciated!



6 replies
6d ago

Hi Ryan,

  1. Are you able to share your .rev file or a code snippet?

  2. Are the events firing from the parent or nested artboard? If it's the nested, here's your solution:

  3. Can you tell me which version of rive-unity you're using? The current version is v0.1.273

Let me know and I'll help you figure this out. :)

6d ago

Hi Lance,

I've running 0.1.12 of Rive within Unreal.

1 MB

REV file attached, it's just a super simple test. I get the same result using the Rive file in the Blueprint Actor as above, and as a HUD widget element. I've also not been able to change the text run out from the start (ideal scenario is being able to have multiple version of these and update the text in the Details Panel of Unreal.

Let me know if any Unreal screenshots would be helpful. I am pretty new to Unreal, so there is a high chance I'm making a very rookie error here.

thanks for the help!


6d ago

First I'd recommend upgrading to the latest rive-unreal version just in case that helps.

Have you tried the Unreal examples here:

There are a couple of examples that include clicking and hovers.

6d ago

Thanks Lance, yes that update has fixed the clicking issue. There is one other issue that I cannot resolve though, when the rive widget is unhovered it doesn't fire the state machine. I've tried a couple of different state machine set ups to get around it (boolean toggle and individual triggers) and same result.

As a side note I have tried to download the examples and I get the error below, clicking to rebuild then fails, I've looked into how to solve this but it gets over my head fairly quickly. I did manage to get the old version of the examples working in 5.3.2, but a lot of the set ups came up with errors so quite hard to see how they were working. (I got the same result as the guy in this video) Thanks again for all the help.

2d ago

You're saying the Pointer Exit only fires when the mouse leaves the element, but stays inside the Rive bounds? When it exists the Rive bounds, it doesn't fire Pointer Exit? Let me grab our resident UE expert and get back to you?