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13d ago

Unreal Build not showing Rive assets

Hi all! Rive is awesome. Our team is loving it but we are having a problem.

We have Rive working in the editor and we see it when we play the game but when we build, the Rive assets do not show up.

What could be causing this?

We are using Unreal 5.3.2

We do get a message when we open Unreal now that its made for 5.4. When we hit ok, everything seems to work fine.


 UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogPluginManager: Warning: Plugin 'Rive' requires engine version '5.4.0' and may not be compatible with the current current engine version '5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3'

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\hauntibles\hauntibles\Content\LLB_UI\Rive_Test\Main_PLayer_Avatar_Widget.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/Rive'
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\hauntibles\hauntibles\Content\LLB_UI\Rive_Test\Main_PLayer_Avatar_Widget.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/RiveRenderer'
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load Main_PLayer_Avatar with outer Package /Game/LLB_UI/Rive_Test/Main_PLayer_Avatar because its class (RiveFile) does not exist

3 replies
12d ago

Any ideas? Does Rive have any Unreal support staff?

12d ago

Hi Mark,

Yep, we're happy to help with Unreal issues.

You can ignore the 5.4 warning. It should work fine on both 5.3 and 5.4 even though we can only specify a single version in the plugin definition (which is why we get the warning on 5.3).

Can you tell me what version of the plugin you're using? We're currently on 0.2.0. If you're already using an up-to-date version, would it be possible to share your project so we can take a closer look?


11d ago

Hi Lance, thanks for getting back to me. I just downloaded 0.2.0. Thank you for pointing out the new one.

I have new version placed here in the plugins folder.

Im getting the rebuild question and I hit yes but then the project can not be rebuilt.

Any ideas?