Transition jumps forward before transitioning back when exiting during transition.
I have replicated my issue in a simple test file, included below. My problem is as follows:
When the State Machine is in the process of transitioning from timeline 1 to timeline 2, the expected behavior would be that it would start moving back to the timeline 1 value from its current position. Instead, I am noticing that the transition first jumps a further towards timeline 2 before transitioning back.
How to replicate:
In the test file, set the ToTheRight boolean to true. The rectangle will start moving to the right.
When it is about halfway, uncheck ToTheRight. You'll notice the rectangle jumps to the right significantly before moving back to the left.
I am unsure if this is a bug or if I am misunderstanding the way transitions work, but I hope someone can help me resolve this issue!
I'm working in the Rive editor, version 0.8.2511.
(Ps. you guys are doing great work!)
It's not really a bug, it's just how all of the blending is working.
I see... Do you have a suggestion to create a transition that can smoothly switch directions?
For context: I ran into this problem creating a character that is looking at the cursor but moves back to the center when the cursor leaves the hitbox. When moving the cursor in- or out of the hitbox before the transition is complete, there's a little 'jump'. Do you have an idea how I could eliminate the jump?
Here you can see what I'm actually working on:
Hey Robert, are you sure this is expected behavior? I've found that if at any time you exit a transition prematurely, the percentage (P) of that transition's completion will jump by (100%-P)P before the next transition starts, even if the next state is just "exit". This happens as long as the next transition has a duration greater than 0. I don't really get why P needs to jump at all before the next transition starts.
here's a video showing what I mean. In my eyes the counter should stay 51 when I click the button, not jump to 76. If I give the exit transition a duration of 0, the counter does stay where it is. any duration greater than 0 causes the same jump
here's a graph of how much the transition jumps when you prematurely exit, with the x axis being the percentage completed before the exit