Text Menu Selection/Event/Trigger Issues
Hello everyone! I have a text header menu, that uses a nested artboard for all text, that contains numerical inputs to change the actual text, this works great. When a text is selected (pointer down) it transitions to a bolder text. Also works great.
The issue is how to do I get it to transition/animate out, back to the unselected idle state, only AFTER I click on any other text. Right now as soon as I move my pointer it animates back to unselected state.
In my main text component artboard, I have tried so the text transitions with pointer exits or pointer up conditions. Is there a way to set it up so there is a more sequential/staggered approach? Does it need events, triggers, more layers?
Hey! So I've added a little video to walk you through how to set your nested artboards up so that only one is ever selected. In short, you'll wanna have an event go off on your button artboard, then on the header artboard, listen to that event and configure the booleans for all of the other buttons.
Hi Robert, thank you for the quick solution! I am trying to do it now, but what you showed, makes sense!
Hi Robert, I got it to work!
But now trying to figure out how to have it go back to a NO TEXT SELECTED state, when the header menu gets closed and if just one slider gets moved. The idea is that anytime you move the sliders, whatever preset you chose, becomes CUSTOM (this part with the text over sound icon I got to work using an number input)
If you never move the sliders then when you go back into the header menu, it will be the last chosen preset still in bold text.
Do I need to set some kind of Event that resets everything, back in the Presets Header nested artboard? Or is it to be set up in the main artboard with LIsteners that use Numeric Inputs? Not sure how controllers in main artboard can control the initial state of the nested artboard, in this case the root nested one with single text.