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19d ago

SVG paste not working.

I'm trying to paste a very simple SVG from figma into Rive, and rive is doing:

Uploading svg file... then nothing. I've tested copying from figma directly as "Copy as SVG" using the copy as SVG plugin, copying from Illustrator and Affinity designer.

Also tried pasting to the desktop AND the web version and neither work. I have a Rive Studio Legacy license. Pasting to any other SVG aware app in my computer works perfectly.

I'm on a windows 10 Pro computer with a Core i9 9900K processor and a Geforce 4080.

I have tried with many other shapes but the main one I'm trying to paste has this code:

<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M23.0425 1.40554C23.0425 0.682224 23.631 0.09375 24.3543 0.09375C25.0776 0.09375 25.6661 0.682224 25.6661 1.40554V5.31348C25.6661 6.0368 25.0776 6.62525 24.3543 6.62525C23.631 6.62525 23.0425 6.0368 23.0425 5.31348L23.0425 1.40554Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M0.71582 23.7379C0.71582 23.0145 1.30429 22.4261 2.02761 22.4261H5.93553C6.65884 22.4261 7.24732 23.0145 7.24732 23.7379C7.24732 24.4612 6.65884 25.0497 5.93553 25.0497H2.02761C1.30429 25.0497 0.71582 24.4612 0.71582 23.7379Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M36.0735 36.7718C36.0735 36.4213 36.2099 36.0917 36.4577 35.844C36.7054 35.5963 37.0348 35.4599 37.3853 35.4599C37.7357 35.4599 38.0649 35.5962 38.3124 35.844L41.0758 38.6078C41.3235 38.8553 41.4599 39.1845 41.4599 39.5349C41.4599 39.8851 41.3232 40.2149 41.0755 40.4631C40.8277 40.7108 40.4983 40.8472 40.1478 40.8472C39.7974 40.8472 39.4683 40.7109 39.2207 40.4631L36.4577 37.6996C36.2099 37.4519 36.0735 37.1224 36.0735 36.7718Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M36.0735 10.7196C36.0735 10.3691 36.2098 10.0401 36.4577 9.79255L39.2207 7.02951C39.4684 6.78177 39.7979 6.64536 40.1484 6.64536C40.4987 6.64536 40.8279 6.78168 41.0764 7.0304C41.3237 7.27706 41.4599 7.60608 41.4599 7.95689C41.4599 8.30726 41.3235 8.6365 41.0754 8.8843L38.3125 11.6473C38.0647 11.8951 37.7353 12.0315 37.3847 12.0315C37.0344 12.0315 36.7053 11.8952 36.4575 11.6472C36.2099 11.3997 36.0735 11.0703 36.0735 10.7196Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M41.4676 23.7379C41.4676 23.0145 42.0561 22.4261 42.7794 22.4261H46.6873C47.4106 22.4261 47.9991 23.0145 47.9991 23.7379C47.9991 24.4612 47.4106 25.0497 46.6873 25.0497H42.7794C42.0561 25.0497 41.4676 24.4612 41.4676 23.7379Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M7.25449 7.95706C7.25449 7.60658 7.39074 7.27751 7.63864 7.02996C8.15023 6.51837 8.98266 6.51837 9.49425 7.02998L12.2576 9.79326C12.505 10.0405 12.6413 10.3698 12.6413 10.7204C12.6413 11.0708 12.5049 11.4002 12.2573 11.6478C11.7457 12.1594 10.9132 12.1594 10.4017 11.6478L7.6385 8.88461C7.39088 8.63709 7.25449 8.30769 7.25449 7.95706Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M7.25449 39.5358C7.25449 39.1852 7.39093 38.8557 7.63869 38.608L10.4021 35.8445C10.9137 35.3329 11.7461 35.3329 12.2574 35.8442C12.5052 36.0923 12.6417 36.4218 12.6417 36.7719C12.6417 37.1221 12.505 37.4521 12.2576 37.7001L9.49425 40.4635C8.98266 40.9751 8.15023 40.9751 7.63864 40.4636C7.39093 40.2158 7.25449 39.8863 7.25449 39.5358Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M23.0425 42.1734C23.0425 41.4501 23.631 40.8616 24.3546 40.8616C24.7049 40.8615 25.0342 40.9979 25.2819 41.2456C25.5297 41.4934 25.6661 41.8229 25.6661 42.1734V46.0813C25.6661 46.8046 25.0776 47.3931 24.3543 47.3931C23.631 47.3931 23.0425 46.8046 23.0425 46.0813L23.0425 42.1734Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M37.2799 23.7005C37.2799 30.8802 31.4596 36.7005 24.2799 36.7005C17.1002 36.7005 11.2799 30.8802 11.2799 23.7005C11.2799 16.5208 17.1002 10.7005 24.2799 10.7005C31.4596 10.7005 37.2799 16.5208 37.2799 23.7005Z" fill="white"/>

I hope I can fix this problem because it's making Rive absolutely unusable for me, as I don't ever use it to design direcly.

1 reply
(edited) 18d ago

Hi The SVG code you shared above pastes successfully into the editor in our testing. When you paste an SVG the image will appear in the Assets panel - it is not automatically pasted into an artboard.

If you select the Assets tab next to the Hierarchy tab, do you see the pasted SVGs listed?