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2mo ago

Simple path follow help

I am simply trying to get my little BEE friend to come out from behind the bear and circle the head of the bear after hovering on the LEFT, then the RIGHT of the bear, but the path tool makes it so difficult with smooth timing, is there a way to modify the transform pathway without creating a shape for it to follow? How would I make this bee's flight a smooth motion so the bear can simply follow it with its head?

Bee comes out from behind bear head, bear looks at it, bee hovers around o left side of bear smoothly, then goes INFRONT of bear face to right side to hover smoothly for a second, then goes back behind bear head.

Help! I've tried new shape path, without path, and its just not working.

1 reply
2mo ago

Hey there! Here's some tips on animating something like this.

The real trick is use a combo of offset keys (x and y keys never finish at the same time) and cubic interpolation. It takes a bit of effort, but you'll eventually get the easing and timing of everything worked out.