Request for Support: Runtime Control to Disable Audio in Rive Animation
We have integrated a Rive animation in our application, hosted on a CDN, and rendered in the frontend using a URL. This animation includes audio that plays upon tapping specific elements.
After going live with the animation, we observed a significant number of crashes related to audio events. To address this, we have updated to Rive version 6.5.4 and are preparing for a relaunch.
To mitigate potential issues, we are exploring a mechanism to disable audio playback dynamically at runtime using a flag. This would allow us to quickly disable audio in case we notice a spike in crashes or any unforeseen issues.
Could you provide guidance or support on implementing such runtime audio control functionality in the Rive runtime? Thank you!
Hey Niks,
Is this the iOS runtime you're using. It looks like the latest is 6.5.6. I haven't seen any crashes specifically related to audio events. Do you have any additional info about the error?
I don't know of a way to conditionally disable runtime events, but if you need more control, you could use General events and manage the playing of the audio via code.