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26d ago

Project COFUNTOOL on for mental health

Hello, I'll be soon in february have work on my project

COFUNTOOL is for Cognitives FUNctions TOOL.

Hi, I will be working on my project

COFUNTOOL is a communication tool.

I want to create an easy-to-use application but with a generative AI LLM to create a new block of items based on the answers analyzed by the IA from the first block.

I also want to get information such as the time of response, errors....

But all tests will be on secure service of the ARS in France, that is to say the National Health Agency. So we can transfer the encrypted real-time data. Can we manage that in Rive ?

At least, I was thinking firstly using the DART Language with flutter because i need this application usable on all platforms without changing the code. Can we do it, do you have an official extension for VS CODE ?

Thanks by advance,

Greetings and happy new year 2025

1 reply
26d ago

It's hard to tell from the Sparkboard, but it sounds like most of this app will be built with Flutter (the LLM, testing, APIs, etc), but will use Rive for some of the visual elements. Is that right? Which elements were you hoping to use Rive for?