Pointer Interactions in Unity URP
Hello, I managed to get my rive file working on URP through a Rawimage in a canvas, but I'm struggling to figure out pointer interactions with the image, sadly the Minion example does not have any leads on how to implement 2D canvases/UIs which is kind of concerning considering the main purpose of rive is UI.
Any leads or pointers would be greatly appreciated, I'm really interested in implementing rive into our pipeline production.
Hey Matias, here are some examples that should get you started, including one that shows how to listen for mouse events on a Rive element that is attached to the camera: https://github.com/rive-app/rive-unity-examples
Pointer interactions with a canvas / 2D do not work with Rive with the supplied scripts. There is some work on this done by others though. Have a look here:
Sorry to take so long to respond. We're just about to release a new version of the Unity plugin and it's going to make this a lot easier.
With the current version, you still need to manually handle pointer events, like in the GitHub issue that you posted.
I'll keep you posted.