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1mo ago

My artboard is constantly floating

I use the mouse or trackbates independently, my artboard is constantly moving. This does not allow to concentrate and catch the necessary elements. How can I stop it? MacBook M2 Pro, Ventura 13.4, desktop app (just downloaded)

5 replies
1mo ago

Hey there! Hard to say if this is a bug or not. Could you send in a video?

If you're on Mac, using two fingers on the trackpad will move your stage around (which moves your artboard), and with the mouse, moving the mouse while holding the right click down will also move the stage around.

1mo ago

Have the same problem on my trackpad. It's very annoying. When moving around using 2 fingers gesture the artboard will not stop moving. If instead pressing down with two fingers (getting the hand cursor) the moving is as expected. Also pressing space and clicking will give this type of function. However this is a bit more cumbersome to do compared to just touch with 2 fingers.

1mo ago

1mo ago

Ok, so this doesn't seem like a bug, but the intended behavior for using 2 fingers. Using 1 finger allows you to move the cursor without moving the stage, but if you use 2 fingers, it will pan the stage around.

1mo ago

It's quite difficult to describe the problem. It becomes more obvious when coming from other software like Figma or some adobe program. I think the problem is that in Rive the 2 fingers touch is way to sensitive which will make the stage drifting even if you have just made a small amount of gesture on the trackpad. Also important to mention is that It only occurs when the fingers has been lifted. So if you keep holding the fingers on the trackpad when panning around the behavior is as expected. But the gestures are often pan->pinch (zoom) -> pan -> pinch then the fingers will be lifted and you therefore get the drifting quite often. In the video you can see the drifiting occure even when I stopped pannnig.