Layout element hide keying with State machine
I want to control the 'Hide' property in a timeline animation that's being triggered from the state machine. In the timeline, I'm hiding one layout element and unhiding another at exactly 1s. however, this hiding and unhiding is happening immediately on the state transition, rather than waiting for 1s into the new state to hide and unhide. all of the keyframes used are hold keyframes. i don't want to set multiple keyframes on each element because the state machine transitions will happen from the 'any state' block. how do i achieve this?
i have multiple nested artboards, each with in and out animations. I want the main composite artboard to transition states with interpolation, and have the current nested artboard animate OUT, and then at exactly 1s hides, while the new nested artboard is unhidden and animates IN.
I'm guessing that this might require multiple layers to achieve, but not sure how to do it. Thanks for your help!!
Hey there, would you mind sending a copy of your file here:
That way I can take a look at it, and make suggestions.