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2mo ago

Is there a way to "stack" animations like this?

I am trying to make a confetti animation where it keeps popping when triggered. I've been stuck on this part for hours now; is there a way to make the current playing animation finish whenever it triggers a new animation?

I am using a nested artboard for the burst animations, and the simple animation actually works well. But the problem is it only plays once, it should be able to play in every trigger.

I tried to use remap animation but the problem is it doesn't play the whole animation and pauses to play the new one.

Please help !

1 reply
2mo ago

Hey there,

I've included a demo file of a few ways you can try to fix this.

Basically, you need to have those different confetti animations on their own state machine layer so that they can not only play at the same time, but also the animations can play fully. If you have any more questions, let us know.

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