Is it possible to input text in languages other than English?
I'd like to type in Japanese and possibly other languages in the Rive editor, but when I tried typing in Japanese, it only shows the alphabet. I want to know if there's any way to make this possible.
Additionally, when developers input Japanese (or other languages) for text runs, does it display the actual text, or does it also only show the alphabet?
Thanks for your support!
For this to work you'll need to include a font that supports Japanese characters, like the M Plus 1 and 2 Google fonts. If your Rive graphic only needs to support a single character set, you can simply pick the font in the inspector and everything will work as expected. You can even change the text at runtime.
If you need to be able to change the character set at runtime, it depends on which platform you're building for and which Rive runtime you're using.
Thank you! Japanese characters are now displayed correctly using fonts that support Japanese, although I can't type Japanese characters directly in the Rive editor. (I copied and pasted them, and it worked.)
I want to implement Rive animations with text on iOS, Android, and web platforms. Is there a way to apply system fonts from these platforms to the text in Rive animations? Do I need to specify system fonts in the Rive editor and reference them on the platforms? If that's the case, it seems challenging to make this scalable globally, as I would need to prepare fonts for each language.