How to Trigger Parallel Animations on Button Press in Rive?
I'm new to Rive, so I need help with an issue.
I have a button for left reactions (similar to Instagram Live stream).
I have 5 different timelines for smile animations flying from different positions along the X-axis (Smile1, Smile2, Smile3, etc.).
What I Want:
Each button press should trigger an emoji animation that "flies" out, similar to reactions in an Instagram Live stream.
I want the timelines (Smile1-Smile5) to play on each button tap.
E.g. I tap 1st time to button = Smile1 fly out, I tap one more time - Smile2 fly out and so on.
2. These emoji animations should not stop or interrupt one another; instead, each animation should play independently and in parallel.
My problem is:
The duration of timeline for flying smile is 1 second. When I press the button state machine waits when Smile1 animation finish. I can press the button (trigger) 2-3 times per second but only Smile1 timeline plays. So I need a smile to fly every time I press this button. How I can do it?
Each should have a layer, none will interrupt the other as long as they are not running the same properties( same scale for the same object for example )
Thank you so much, it's working!