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1mo ago

How to keep responsiveness from Rive to Framer

Hi everyone!

I've created a responsive artwork using n-slicing and layouts in Rive. Its meant to scale along with the artboard and it responds as planned inside Rive. However, when I embed it in Framer (exported with the 'Framer code' share link) the artwork isn't responsive when scaling in Framer.

Is there something I'm missing with regard to the state machine?

In Rive:

In Framer:

Thanks for the help!

3 replies
1mo ago

Inside Framer there should be a option to control the Fit. If you set the value to Layout, it should work.

1mo ago

Thanks for the reply!

I don't seem to have a 'layout' option in the fit dropdown. Should it be showing up here?

1mo ago

The most common reason a Rive animation does not work as expected in Framer is that their platform pulls the Rive runtime version that exists when someone first adds a Rive component to a Framer project. Framer permanently caches that version of the runtime. In other words, if you added a Rive animation (“component”) to a Framer project six months ago, that project will continue using the Rive runtime from six months ago. That runtime won’t may not support newer features like Layouts.

If that's the problem, you'll need to contact Framer so they can manually upgrade your version of Rive.