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2mo ago

Events not firing

Events on artboard sheetConfirmation ARE NOT firing. That artboard has some layout elements.

Events on artboard sheetConfirmationTest ARE firing. That artboard has no layout elements.

I can't tell if the layout features have something to do with the events not firing, but it's a blocking bug atm.

Enclosed is the rev file:

7 replies
(edited) 2mo ago

FWIW, I added layout features to my test artboard, and those events are still firing as expected. I cant figure out why the events on the sheetConfirmation artboard are not firing. I am sure they were working yesterday 🤔

(edited) 2mo ago

Here is a video recording of the event issues and how I try to resolve it. I rebuild the sheet (without the responsive confetti confetti), and the events are working in this new artboard.

2mo ago

So far I'm pretty baffled as to why the events in sheetConfirmation aren't working. I've even deleted everything in that artboard, created a new button and events, and it's still not working. I'm going to keep hacking away at it and let you know when I figure something out.

2mo ago

I have a hunch it's the artboard itself. For context, the confetti animation was created in After Effects and brought into Rive. I then build the confirmation sheet inside that artboard. However, I can swear the events/listeners worked at some point. Either way, I do have a working version and I am unblocked for now.

2mo ago

It looks like we introduced a bug with the latest Rive update. Sorry about that. We have a fix, but need to make one more change before we can release it. I'll keep you posted.

1mo ago

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I just wanted to let you know this has been fixed. Let me know if you run into any more issues.