Event listener does not trigger input on last frame of one-shot animation
Desktop OS version: 0.8.2409
My team and I have noticed recently, after much trial, that reporting events in a one-shot timeline do not alter inputs even though they are reporting the events; they must instead be a single frame to the left. Is this the desired effect or a bug? You can see the effect in the attached video, and in the attached .rev file.
Discord article link: https://discord.com/channels/532365473602600965/1338619846644072550
Screen Recording:
Rev file:
Looks like you got taken care of. Let me know if you need more help.
Well, I'm still mainly asking if this is the intended behavior or not. I did manage to figure out a workaround, however, I would like to understand why the inputs were not triggered when the event was reported on the last frame vs. the second-to-last frame.
I'm having a hard time replicating this issue. Can you resend the .rev? The one in this thread and in Discord are only 1kb and not working for me.
Of course, I will re-upload. It is a simple demo file. In it, you'll see that the event report is on the last frame of the one-shot animation. If you play the state machine, you see the event fire, but the trigger does not actually fire. If you go back into the one-shot animation and move the event report to the second-to-last frame, then go back to the state machine and play it, the trigger fires correctly this time.