15d ago

Clipping to Imported Image PNG

I am looking at creating a customizable character that is animated. I thought this would be simple by making a path behind an image, changing the image layer to multiply, then setting the path to clip, but it just makes the whole path invisible when I do this. I have read through the manual and it doesn't give any examples using imported images. Is this not supported? If not, I could match the path to the image using a pen tool, but then it wouldn't match any mesh manipulations. If it is not supported, I can't find it anywhere in the manual.

I guess I'm looking for clarity on if I can make my preferred method work and if not, a good workaround.

EDIT: I confirmed with support that this is not currently supported so I created a feature request here:


3 replies
15d ago

Hi , don't really understand this process you are doing. Could you show a video about this, to better understand what you are trying to do? Why do you want to crop the image with a path?

15d ago

In this example, the image is set to multiply and is over the fill shape. The idea here is that the user can customize the skin color of the character with an input. This works, but the shape does not match the image.

If I try to enable a clip to the image, it just fails:

I've confirmed this isn't supported yet, so I added it as a feature request. It should at least prevent the user from trying if it's not possible.

15d ago

Ok, I see. Yes, this doesn't work. It only works when you clip the image onto the path, but from the path to the image it doesn't work.