Assets not loading during state machine.
Not sure if I built it wrong or I'm missing something between loading the different animation timelines.
I recorded this video showing how I have it all built and animated together as well as the states linked that aren't loading.
Any insight would be helpful or if anyone could point me in the direction of a video/tutorial of a similar build that I could see something like what I'm working on.
I have this animation already created with AE and Lottie here: I was trying to rebuild it with some interactivity with Rive so thanks for the patience while I'm still fumbling through the workflow.
It's hard to tell without seeing the .rev, but I think I know what's going on. Let's say I have a Rive file with a single gray square and two timelines:
Timeline1: the square's opacity is set to .5
Timeline2: where the square's rotation is set to 45 degrees
If you look at each timeline, you'll see one where the square has an opacity of .5 and a rotation of 0 and another with an opacity of 1 and a rotation of 45 degrees.
What happens if my state machine goes from Entry -> Timeline1 -> Timeline2? When it gets to Timeline2, you might expect it to have an opacity of 1 and a rotation of 45 degrees, just like it does when you view the timeline, but it doesn't. Instead it has an opacity of .5 and a rotation of 45 degrees. This happens because the opacity got changed when it passed through Timeline1 and because Timeline2 doesn't mention opacity, it never changed.
I'm guessing that in one of your timelines you've hidden those elements and never made them visible again. Does that make sense?
If that doesn't help, please post your .rev and I'll take a closer look.
Ahh ok, I had built the animations in sections so each animation is utilizing different layers and not others. I'm going to rebuild it. Would it be best to build out the entire animation as one piece and then duplicate it a few times and then set work areas for each section to pick up where it leaves off? Also, thank you for the follow up!
It's hard to say without seeing the .rev, but I don't know if it needs to be rebuilt. I think you just need to make sure the opacity is set to 1 when you start the animation that reveals the new floor tiles. If you want to share your .rev, I can give you more specific feedback.