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14d ago

Selecting a different object should update the dialog/menu that is open

Hi Rive team,

I’ve noticed a behavior that the following behavior seems counterintuitive (though I'm not sure if this is intentional). When I have a dialog open (e.g., the Animation Options menu of a nested artboard) and then select a different nested artboard, the previous dialog remains open. This makes it appear as though the open dialog belongs to the newly selected artboard, which can be misleading.

Proposed behavior:

  • If selecting a different object that has the same property, the dialog should remain open but update to reflect the newly selected object. This would allow for quick comparisons and edits.

  • If selecting an object that does not have the same property, the dialog should close automatically to clearly indicate that different object is now selected.

As a potential enhancement, a small “lock” icon could allow users to keep a dialog open while switching objects, but I’m not sure if that’s necessary. At the very least, it would be helpful if dialogs closed when selecting a different object type.

Thanks for considering this! I’m absolutely loving Rive so far.

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