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5mo ago

Please make Clipping process even easier and more intuitive


I know that the clipping feature/process on this app is not super complex, but I do not find it not super intuitive. I feel like it requires too much thinking. I think clipping should be much more simple. It could be as simple as selecting two or more layers in the layers panel on the left, and then the top layer in that selection becomes the clipping object. A special icon could be added to that layer to indicate that it is a clipping object. It could be implemented in the following way:

  • The top layer in a group of selected layers in the layers panel becomes the clipping path after the user selects all of the layers, right clicks and choose "clip".

  • The top layer can either be a vector OR Raster image (with transparency or no transparency)

  • After the layer stack becomes clipped with the top layer doing the clipping, please DO NOT automatically make the clipping layer transparent and disappear (similar to Illustrator which I don't like they implement that feature). Please keep the transparency of the clipped object at 100% unless otherwise reduced. I think this is how it is already setup, but I am just saying this in case a new clipping version is released following my suggestions.

** Even better - The above example is similar to how Figma or Adobe XD used to do clipping. However, an even faster way is... to simply allow the user to select the layers they want to be clipped in the layers panel. Then they literally just drag the layers on top of a SPECIFIC ZONE of another layer above or below on the layers panel... and release. This is incredibly fast....and the best example I have seen of this is Affinity Designer. That app makes clipping the easiest Ive seen.

2 replies
(edited) 5mo ago

I like that I don't need them in the same group hierarchy in order to add clipping. I don't like how XD and Figma use clipping so I tend to use frames with clipping instead.

I wouldn't mind some more information in the layers panel so you can see how something is built, however, having to rearrange them there is not ideal in my workflow.

Right now, I end up using tags to help organize my file so I can better understand what is happening.

4mo ago

I think there will be different people who have different preferences as to how clipping can be used based on their own workflow. I am coming from the position of.... the less clicks it takes to accomplish a task and the less thinking on operational tasks... then the better... and the more focus on designing can take place. I mentioned Figma or Adobe XD above just bc the clipping in those two apps are pretty well known around the world. I actually never loved clipping in those apps either.... however they were still easier to complete the task that in RIVE. The clipping process in RIVE requires too much thinking and slowing down.

However, I did mention that Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher has the BEST and most intuitive clipping I've ever seen. You simply take one layer... in the layers panel... and drag it onto whatever layer you want to clip it and release. And the clipping layer can be anywhere. Above, below, multiple layers above or below etc. Its just drag and drop... one click and drop... done. Incredibly simple. And you always know what layer is doing the clipping because its one hierarchy level above the clipped object. Now if you want to edit the two objects independently... as you mentioned that you like to do... then there is a checkbox for the parent that says "Freeze children". That allows the parent to be edited without impacting the clipped children. Its incredibly simple. The RIVE approach is more complex requiring more clicks.. and more tracking of what is the clipper, and what is the clippee.