Unity crashes with new Rive features
Hi there,
Since Rive launched elastic interpolation, dashed strokes and now the layout feature Unity has been crashing when using those features. It's specficially elastic interpolation and layouts that crash Unity.
Unity seems to not crash on dashed strokes but the dashes don't appear at Runtime.
Is it perhaps that the Unity Rive API doesn't have those features and thats why its crashing Unity? Or perhaps the Rive Package in Unity doesn't know how to handle these new features so it crashes?
Any suggestions on how we can fix it?
It's likely crashing because you're using a version of the riv file that has features that aren't available in the current runtime.
You can try using this canary version if you want to work with layouts in Unity before the 0.2 release: https://github.com/rive-app/rive-unity/releases/tag/v0.1.330-canary.84
Thank you Adam! It's working now - I appreciate the new release. Much love.