"State Machine exceeded max iterations" error
Hey everybody! Hope you had a nice start of the week.
A client just reported back that they're experiencing this error when adding some .riv files to their webflow website.
Whether they use the iFrame or the native webflow native support feature, the problem persists.
On my end, I double-checked, and despite having a relatively complex state machine, there are no timeline looping that might cause this issue. Any help? Thanks!
Hey there,
Without looking at the file, my assumption is that you have a max iterations happening in one of your nested artboards. If that's the case, it wouldn't show up in your main artboards console. I'd recommending checking all of the nested artboards you are using. If you are still having the issue, feel free to send in the file to here: https://rive.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals
Hey Robert,
Thanks for the quick reply. No nested artboards but I (thanks to your advice of checking the artboard console) noticed there was a state machine layer with an empty input field (probably causing the issues). All should be fixed now.
Have a nice day, and thanks again!