Rive Vertical scroller crashes Unreal 5.3.2
I'm using the Rive sample file for Unreal and inside I add my own rive files to test.
I'm creating a rive vertical scroller and when importing it crashes unreal 100% of the time.
I did the vertical scoller using this tutorial :
Here is the riv file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13FwiiECiK-aGy45DZZZxW1GeCRvCSjlF/view?usp=sharing
Can you tell me which version of the Unreal Rive plugin you're using? It looks like we added Scrolling support in 0.2.3: https://github.com/rive-app/rive-unreal/releases
Sorry I don't think I got any notification of this reply. I downloaded the Sample project that is provided and the rive plug-in doesn't say the version.
I also just downloaded the 0.2.3 and placed it inside the plug-ins of the rive-unreal-example and I get this and when I try to accept it fails to compile.
Thank you.
Hi there. You won't be able to use 0.2.3 with UE 5.3. Can you upgrade to 5.4?