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2mo ago

Pointer enter- and exit not functioning properly in new version of Rive

Hello, a few months ago I made a simple Rive test with a face that should start following the pointer when it enters the 'hitbox', then reset to the center when the pointer leaves again. It worked fine back then, but now the very same file is giving me issues.

It's giving me issues both in the Rive editor (application as well as on the web. Version 0.8.2378) as well as when trying to run it on the web using Javascript.

Some observations:

  • The file still works with the Rive Canvas version I originally used it for (@rive-app/canvas@2.24.0)

  • The file no longer works properly on the web when using an embed link (it did before)

  • The file no longer works properly on the web when I remove the version number to get the latest version (@rive-app/canvas)

  • In the attached file, the "pointer move" listener originally also stopped working. It started working again when re-created it using the exact same settings. This 'fix' did not work (consistently) for the pointer enter- and exit listeners.

  • Similar listeners are still working just fine in my other projects.

If this is a bug, I hope it gets fixed soon!

That being said, I've been loving my experiments with Rive and find myself slowly turning into a voluntary ambassador the more I learn about it. Keep up the good work guys!

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3 replies
2mo ago

I'm not sure why, but deleting the translation constraints and re-adding them seemed to fix it.

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2mo ago

Hi Lance, thanks for your reply!

However, the translation constraints worked okay, but it looks like the issue is that Mouse enter blu and Mouse exit blu don't seem to be detecting Pointer Enter and Pointer Exit, causing the Not Looking timeline to never transition to the Looking timeline in Layer 1 of the state machine. So it was working in Design mode, but not in the State Machine (sorry for the terrible naming lol, like I said this was an experiment).

2mo ago

It looks like the hit target was set to a group, rather than an object. I switched it and it seems to work.

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